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Dutchess_III's avatar

Did you teach your kids to swim, or did someone else teach them?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) May 24th, 2015

I taught my kids and a few of my grandkids. I don’t get in the pool as much as I used to tho.

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11 Answers

Adagio's avatar

I took my daughter to swimming lessons.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why didn’t you teach her? This is not a criticism! Just curious.

jonsblond's avatar

Both. I was put into the water before I could walk. I did the same with my children. Swimming is one of my favorite activities.

I took them to the local swimming pool for lessons when they turned 5.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I trolled them behind a boat. The swimmers I kept, the sinkers I cut the line.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Both boys took “drown-proofing for toddlers”.

Adagio's avatar

First and foremost because I was physically unable but even had I been able, I would still have taken her to swimming lessons, despite having been a very good swimmer myself. I was taught by a swimming instructor.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Two of my kids were born in July. I had them in the water as soon as their umbilical cords fell off! They learned to swim around two or three.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t have kids, but I was one. My dad taught me the side stroke fairly young, I think I was 5 or 6 years old. Neither my dad or my mom put their head under the water, but they both love the water. My mom still swims every day. They can go under, but they don’t. The first time I put my head under the water I was 8 years old at day camp, but I already could keep myself afloat and swim.

My grandmother taught me how to breath and good swimming form once I was comfortable putting my head under. Breast stroke, including the proper kick, the crawl, and backstroke. I tried butterfly now and then, but was never good at it.

I love swimming.

My dad taught me to dive when I was 8. I still have a great dive and get compliments. Nothing fancy, just straight down, toes pointed, very little splash. I can’t do it from high up anymore.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think I was 3 or 4 when my dad taught me how to swim, right after I almost drowned! He taught me how to do all kinds of dives and tricks off the board…things that would probably get us kicked out of the pool today!

Coloma's avatar

Both. We had pools in the family so she learned how to hold her breath and dog paddle around with water wings around age 3, could swim a little at age 4 but I put her in lessons at 5 because we were around pools a lot.

canidmajor's avatar

My kids learned at summer day camps.

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