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Kardamom's avatar

Have you ever eaten something that sounded delicious, that turned out to taste terrible?

Asked by Kardamom (33609points) May 24th, 2015

This Q is based on the Other Q that I just asked.

Again, if you want to get all NSFW, please ask another question. This Q is about actual food, not sexual or bathroom subjects. Thanks in advance.

The main situation that comes to mind is when I’ve already tasted something yummy, then ordered it at another restaurant, or someone has tried to make a similar version of said item, and it turned out tasting nothing like the original. That’s always a bummer.

One particular food that I’ve tasted on multiple occasions is Red Velvet Cake. At best it just tastes like any other bland yellow or white cake. At worst it tastes really awful and processed and chemical-enhanced. It looks so pretty, but there’s nothing interesting tasting about it. The color is simply food coloring. I expect it to taste like cherry or raspberry, but it doesn’t. I can’t figure out why people seem to love it so much. It is pretty to look at, but I probably won’t eat it again, unless it’s more like This Recipe which uses beets for the red color, rather than food coloring.

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22 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I’m with you. When a dish doesn’t taste yummy like you would expect from prior experience it’s quite disappointing. That has happened to me.

Big time ditto on red velvet cake. I don’t get the fascination with that at all. Cake is my preferred dessert, but red velvet is not anywhere on the list.

I would say some of my biggest disappointments is unexpected seasoning at restaurants. Like I just ordered a quesadilla and enchilada at Chili’s (I’ve never ordered either there) and they were pretty bad. Way way too much seasoning that tasted out of a packet. I use packets like that myself, so that isn’t necessarily terrible, but this was bad. I wondered if the particular cook that day was heavy handed, or if that is how that restaurant always makes it.

Another frequent thing that happens in restaurants is a dish sounds good and then it winds up it is floating in fat whether it be butter or oil. Ick. Something that otherwise would be delicious. I find it quite annoying.

talljasperman's avatar

Tiger Tiger ice cream.

Coloma's avatar

Yes! Red Velvet cake is nasty stuff, it looks beautiful but tastes icky IMO.
I also have a friend who makes a lot of soups and they look great but have zero flavor, I always have to feign liking them, sometimes I tell her they need salt, they do, and a lot of other things. lol

Adagio's avatar

Fried Green Tomatoes. Didn’t exactly taste terrible but was a total letdown. I enjoyed the book so much I was sure I was going to adore fried green tomatoes, but alas no.

Kardamom's avatar

@Adagio the book was good, wasn’t it! The movie, although not terrible, completely missed the main theme of the story, which I won’t reveal here, just in case some of the Jellies have not read it.

Pachy's avatar

Marmite !!! A British friend offered me a spoonful of it when I visited London a few years ago. Thinking it was pudding or sweet jam, I took it all into my mouth. Ugggghhhhh! I can’t begin to tell you how awful this yeasty bread spread tasted to my Texas taste buds.

The Brit was playing a practical joke on me, but I got sorta even by pulling the same joke on my travel companion, also a Texan, whose reaction was the same as mine.

Pandora's avatar

Daifuku a Japanese treat that looks delicious but isn’t. It is gummy and the dough on the outside feels like raw dough and the center is filled with a bean paste.
There is another thing that is similar but I don’t know the name of it. They fill that one with meat. It isn’t bad but again the dough feels under cooked.

tedibear's avatar

Quinoa. And I agree with those who said red velvet cake.

Kardamom's avatar

@Pandora Ha ha ha, I just had daifuku on purpose yesterday. I love it. Mine was pink.

Adagio's avatar

@Pachy I love Marmite, I think you have to grow up with it though : ^)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just last weekend went to a graduation. Her Mom was throwing an after party for her. Gosh, all the food looked so good! Ribs and chicken, baked bean. There were several dishes…and every one of them were the worst I’ve ever tasted. :(

rojo's avatar

It is not so much the cake but the cream cheese frosting on the Red Velvet Cake that make it soooo good!

Chicharrones sound like they should be good, pork and frying, but unless you have some outstanding green salsa or pico to go with it they are not so great.

JLeslie's avatar

@rojo I don’t like cream cheese, and I’m not too happy carrot cake has cream cheese frosting, and I like carrot cake. With all the sugar I can tolerate the cream cheese frosting, but I’d be much happier with a different frosting. Let alone red velvet cake that tastes like nothing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG!! I forgot about that, @JLeslie, that you don’t like cream cheese!! I’m not sure what to do now!

JLeslie's avatar

Well, don’t let it stress you out. LOL. I know it’s hard to grasp. I don’t think I’ve ever met another person who eats dairy who doesn’t like cream cheese. I know people who don’t like some of the other stuff I don’t eat, but cream cheese, that seems to be in a class by itself. I never thought about that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

If it has cream cheese in it, I’ll try it. That’s how I learned that I LOVE jalapeno poppers. I wouldn’t have tried them except for the fact they have cream cheese in them. It just adds a whole new dimension to whatever you’re cooking.

JLeslie's avatar

Jalapeño poppers are disgusting. I tried one once because someone said it was stuffed with cheese and I never in a million years would have guessed cream cheese. Blech. I mean really it should have some sort of Mexican cheese in my opinion.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They’re addicting to me!

Kardamom's avatar

I love me some jalapeño poppers, but I also love cream cheese.

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