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elbanditoroso's avatar

Are playing cards different around the world?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33578points) May 26th, 2015

In the US, we have 52-card decks with numbers 2–10, then J Q K A.

Do other countries use other terminologies? In France, is that an R for Roi and an R2 for Reine?

Do Israeli playing cards have the initials in Hebrew? Arabic in Arabic? Russian in Cyrillic?

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7 Answers

thorninmud's avatar

In a French deck, the king is indeed R (for Roi), but the Queen is D (for Dame) and the Jack is V (for Valet).

filmfann's avatar

In Iraq, Saddam Hussein is the Ace of Spades.

whitenoise's avatar

In Germany they have acorns and bells and leaves and rather different ranks.

longgone's avatar

^ We do?!

longgone's avatar

^ Well, what do you know. I guess this:

“Despite the name, the German deck is not well known all over these countries including parts of Germany itself…” applies. I have never seen those German symbols.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Here sometimes 2 is the biggest. Hence we have 3 – 10, then J Q K A 2.

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