General Question

snowberry's avatar

Don't Bomb My Island! Would you sign this petition to prevent the bombing of these islands?

Asked by snowberry (28056points) May 27th, 2015

The small Pacific islands of Pagan and Tinian are home to pristine beaches, majestic mountains and colorful sea life. They are also home to 2,800 American citizens, as they are part of the Marianas, a US territory.

The US Navy has plans to bomb these islands as part of a training exercise, obliterating their rare coral ecosystems, wildlife, and important historic artifacts. The islands’ residents would be relocated, kicked off their ancestral land for the sake of bomb testing.

We cannot let this happen.

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8 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Petitions are utterly worthless. Sure, you feel good about signing, but they are otherwise ineffectual.

There are only two ways to change something like this:

1) politicians who get up in arms and make a stink

2) money talks

So if you expect to make any changes, get to the politicians.

Signing internet petitions is a waste of elecrons.

whitenoise's avatar

Can we not test these bombs in a lab?

osoraro's avatar

@elbanditoroso Is correct. Read this
and this

Unless someone wants to give money, or volunteer, signing a petition is a waste of time and does nothing more than soothes ones ego, and makes you think that you’ve done something when you really have not.

If someone wants to really protest this, then they should call their congresswoman or senator. Write letters to the editor. Give money to an organization that is opposed to it that has a PAC that can lobby Congress. Organize a protest march. Stuff like that.

ragingloli's avatar

Last time I checked, they have some desert wastelands in the colonies, where they also used to test their nuclear weapons.
Why do they have to bomb inhabited islands full of life?

rojo's avatar

@ragingloli it is not human life (not that that is worth much either) and therefore of no consequence. We have to be sure of the kill ratio for our bombs. Can’t have the calculations being off.

Coloma's avatar

Fucking military, why don’t they just nuke ‘em too.
Of curse I’d sign, I hate the military, a necessary evil but that;s about all you can say.

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