Social Question

jca's avatar

Will copper polish also polish brass?

Asked by jca (36062points) May 29th, 2015

Someone just gave me a beautiful bracelet, a used item, very unusual but a little tarnished. It’s a color that resembles brass, and so I tried polishing it with silver polish. The silver polish took some tarnish off but not all. I also have copper cleaner, which is an abrasive powder (for cleaning the bottom of the copper bottomed pots).

Would copper polish also polish brass?

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2 Answers

thorninmud's avatar

It sounds like you don’t need the abrasive action of the pot cleaner, and I’d worry that it might dull the finish on a piece of jewelry. You can use a mixture of either vinegar or lemon juice with salt as an effective tarnish remover for brass.

ibstubro's avatar

You can also cover the bracelet in ketchup for 10–20 minutes, then rinse under warm water. Maybe take an old toothbrush to it.

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