General Question

janbb's avatar

How can I grow sweeter strawberries?

Asked by janbb (63319points) May 30th, 2015

I have a strawberry patch that does very well. The berries are small but plentiful. However, they are not sweet. Anyone know anything Ican do to make them sweeter? I don’t feed or fertilize the plants.

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7 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Maybe. Check and see if the PH of the soil is optimal for what you want.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Try a fertilizer with a high P and K, but not high in nitrogen.

susanc's avatar

I know I’m being irrelevant and unhelpful, but when I read this question I thought it said
“How can I grow sweeter?” and janbb, you just can’t.

janbb's avatar

@susanc Then dang it – how can I grow more sour?

2davidc8's avatar

a) Try a sunnier, warmer location. Microclimates can make a difference.
b) As @Adirondackwannabe said, give it more phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), but don’t overdo it.
c) Try a different variety. Some are more naturally suited to your environment than others. Also, some varieties are naturally sweeter.
d) Cut back some of the runners. Don’t let it go wild.

susanc's avatar

@janbb – hmm. I’ll have to think hard about how I achieved my own current state of sourness and get back to you.

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