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talljasperman's avatar

Fluther roll call for June 2015.

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) June 3rd, 2015

Who is left? Who is lurking?

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54 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m not dead yet.

dxs's avatar

I’m here.

jca's avatar


Here2_4's avatar

I’m Here2_4

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Still here after all these years.

cookieman's avatar

I am not here.

Judi's avatar

I left a long time ago.

zenvelo's avatar

I don’t do Meta.

Coloma's avatar

Here, well, kinda, sorta. Drifting around watching a documentary and going to bed in exactly 19 minutes when my show is over @ 9:50 PDT.

Brian1946's avatar

Now that I got that 20K chip implanted, Fluther always knows where I am. ;-o

Kardamom's avatar

I’m here, wide awake at 11:29 pm California time.

Stinley's avatar

Here, Sir

ucme's avatar

I shall announce my continued presence by honking some gal’s boobs <Parp>
Whose tits they are remain unclear at this point.

thorninmud's avatar

Excuse me, is this the line for the free rolls?

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Aye aye captain. Still standing!

Jaxk's avatar

Against all odds.

Pachy's avatar

If you think pachy’s packed his trunk, tusk, tusk on you.

picante's avatar

Present in a lurking sort of way.

Coloma's avatar

4:45 on the west coast, Coloma has her Shock Top in hand and am enjoying a wonderful relaxing moment, sitting on the lawn watching the thunderheads rolling in from the mountains after a very productive and exhausting day here at the ranch.

flutherother's avatar

Surprisingly, I am still here.

stanleybmanly's avatar

2:42 in the morning. I’m here watching the parade.

fluthernutter's avatar

@thorninmud I think this is the line for free doughnuts, right?

thorninmud's avatar

@fluthernutter My life just got better

ibstubro's avatar

Week old donuts. Come back in a week and we’ll have “today’s donuts!’

Coloma's avatar

Here, for the 1st time in 18 hours after my IP went down in a blaze of glory from last nights crazy T-storms. I got a lot done by 9 a.m. today though. lol

DominicY's avatar

I’m still here. June 11 will mark 6 years on this site. _

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Checking in.

Coloma's avatar

11:10 a.m. in wonderful, glorious, magnificent, COOL and RAINY Northern CA.
From almost 100 degrees Mon. to 65 degrees and raining/T-storms, and back to 100 by Friday.
I am in total bliss out right now, savoring every-single-delicious-moment before a return to hell Friday. lol

Coloma's avatar

Here, but for a brief moment.
12:06 in blazing CA. Just finished a nice bowl of watermelon and cantaloupe with a lemon yogurt. Too hot to even eat. Basking in the AC and stealing myself for a must run errand soon.
I am dreading getting in my car, it is like a 190 inside it right now. By the time the AC cranks into full action I’ll need another shower. Gah…misery to the 10th power. haha

cazzie's avatar

@Coloma That sounds like bragging to me. It’s been raining (with some snow tossed in occasionally) almost constantly here for the past 2 months and the temperature barely reaches 55F. The kid’s forest walks and overnight camping tour had to be cancelled because it is too wet and cold. I’m looking at the calendar in disbelief.

jca's avatar

Here in southern NY it’s been around 80 to 85F the past few days. Hot enough but it will get hotter.

Coloma's avatar

@cazzie Oh man, no bragging, I hate the heat & consider you lucky given the hot and dry conditions out west here.

9:26 am here and cooler today, yay! Going for about 90 with light breezes. I am going to see the new “Jurassic World” movie this afternoon, can’t wait!

ibstubro's avatar

Okay, I’ve got a week of 80–90° heat and rain that brings no relief. 100% humidity. You can practically hear the corn across the road growing, and it’s already taller than my Camry.

cazzie's avatar

sticks fingers in ears and starts humming loudly

cazzie's avatar

<—— woke up to 6C and rain this morning. (43F for the uninitiated.) Checked the calendar and it says 15 June, but I simply don’t believe it. I think someone needs to check that the Gulf Stream is still streaming.

whitenoise's avatar

It’s 36ºC outside here and it will be 38 tomorrow…
And the day after…
And for the rest of the week…

No rain for the foreseeable future.

dxs's avatar

Well it was nice the past few days but today it’s cold and rainy.

Coloma's avatar

Good Morning, afternoon, evening, fellow jellies.
8:32 am PDT here and we are going to hit about 89 today. Still too freaking hot. I want the perfect 75–77 max. haha
Today I am planting white corn, pickling cucumbers, sunflowers and herbs. The garden is already in full swing but adding some late fillers.

zenzen's avatar

just barely

augustlan's avatar

Popping in to say “Hi!” Miss you, jellies!

whitenoise's avatar

Hey Augie!

Hello, miss you too.

fluthernutter's avatar

Miss you more!

Haleth's avatar

Here! I moved to a new place and didn’t have internet at home for like 2 months.

Coloma's avatar

Hey Haleth!

Here, 8:22 a.m. in hot CA. totally out of it having my 2nd cup of coffee and dreading a dinner party thing with friends later. I am not feeling very well with allergies and am tired but, I’ll pull it off one way or another. Bah! haha

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