Social Question

Do you have any scary/creepy stories?
Could be anything. Whether you thought you saw aliens, ghosts or something just weird or unsettling that happened to you one day.
The closest I’ve ever had to “ghost stories” involves this grand hall back at my college. It’s supposedly one of the most haunted buildings on campus.
The first time I experienced something creepy was when my girlfriend and I checked this grand hall by ourselves one day. It was still light out. We went into the basement floor and wandered around. When you enter the basement through the front door, there’s this empty hallway you pass through. Nothing more. Also, the front door is VERY loud. It’s big and heavy and always clicks loudly when it closes. The basement is small enough that you could hear it from the back door. Well, we eventually decided to come back the way we came and I led the way back to the front door through that empty hallway.
Suddenly, I noticed that there was a door open. I stopped dead in my tracks. There was no open door there before. My girlfriend of course freaked and wanted to leave right away through the back door but I took a step closer. It appeared that the door was one of those camoflauged doors, you know, one that blended in with the wallpaper. That’s why we didn’t see it earlier when it was closed. I looked into the room but only saw darkness. It may have been some kind of utility room. I shouted, “Anyone there?” but nobody answered. My girlfriend tugged me outside while freaking out. The thing is we would have heard someone enter through the front door. Nobody went in from the back door because we were right there in the middle of the basement the entire time. Also, nobody obviously responded to me calling out. Creepy.
The second creepy thing happened in the same building but late at night, and this time I had three other friends with me. We decided to tempt the fates by wandering around until one of us ran into a ghost or had a creepy experience. We split up and nothing happened for a long time. We were about to leave and give up and were all gathered in the basement. Two of my friends started approaching that damned empty hallway with the camoflauged door, but then they suddenly doubled-back. They had barely rounded the corner until something made them freak out.
“What’s wrong?” I hissed.
“Go, go, just go!” one friend said. “Someone from public safety is here!”
Before I bolted for the back door, I noticed a light dancing around the floor from the hallway. It was slowly approaching us, getting brighter. We had all believed it was the flashlight of a public safety officer, since we weren’t allowed to be in the grand hall at that hour.
We all bolted to the back lawn, then we turned and watched.
Nobody came out. The thing is. . the public safety office is right next to the grand hall. We waited and waited and walked around from a distance watching the grand hall. Nobody ever came out. We didn’t see a single light turn on in the building.
My friend made a point that if that was really a public safety officer, they would have ordered us to stop then and there. We were pretty loud hissing at each other to run away too, comically enough.