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gorillapaws's avatar

What are some of the best video games ever made that might not make the cut for the hall of fame?

Asked by gorillapaws (31028points) June 5th, 2015

There are certain iconic video games that obviously make the list for the hall of fame (e.g. Super Mario Brothers). What are some games that are truly amazing/revolutionary but might have been too obscure to make the cut for the hall of fame?

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12 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

Destination Earthbound for nes . Star Raiders for Atari.

kritiper's avatar


jerv's avatar

Disgaea, or at least the first two in the series. The game doesn’t really begin until you’ve beat it.

The TOCA series of racing games, which evolved into Grid, has probably the best AI I’ve ever seen; imperfect in human ways as opposed to either invincible or stupid.

ucme's avatar

Operation Wolf
Blade Eagle
Star Wars: Battlefront

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Tenchu stealth assassins

Mimishu1995's avatar

TRAUMA. A truly artistic game which incoporate thought-provoking matters into it. It deserve more attention than it is having.

Berserker's avatar

Man the list would be way too huge if I go at it technically, since all I can think of are games that bring nothing new to the table, but which do what they do better than other games in their respective genre.
Then there are the games which are, or have been obscure due to several reasons. (shadow hearts being…overshadowed by final fantasy x for example) But any obscure game worth its salt eventually gets recognized and becomes a cult hit. (psychonauts) I’m sure some added new things to gaming that could have changed things were it more popular…gaming is after all, and first and foremost, an industry…I just can’t think of any.

@ucme We’ve agreed on this before, but I had to say it again…Operation Wolf kicks ass. So many weekends spent playing that back in the day haha.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@kritiper “Battlezone”
I can 2nd that, it got many of my quarters.

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline Aye, that we have, a genuine arse kicking blast from the past.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I used to love finding all of the secret rooms in wolf 3d. Getting the gatling gun was a nice touch as well.

downtide's avatar

My all time favourite was an old PC game called Spaceward Ho! It was a strategic space-colonisation game, you had to build colony ships to colonise new planets, and combat ships to defend them against other space empires. Now available as an Android game, I believe (I really must get that). (apparently also available for deskop Mac as well but no longer for Windows. Boo).

jerv's avatar

@downtide I spent more hours than I care to playing that on a Mac Plus.

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