Social Question

Am I obsessing with the idea of being "in love"?
Here I go…This is my first time posting on a (Q&A) site, but I’m desperate for others opinions aside from my friends. I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 2 years now, but I’ve never been passionately crazy in love with him. Surprising right? How have I never been in love with someone I’ve been with for 2 years?! You’re probably asking whats making me stay? One of the reasons I’ve held on for this long is I love him for the way he treats me, he is a true gentleman. We talk about everything and I feel safe, comfortable and loved around him, he sees me as his wife in the future and that makes me feel secure. In his eyes I’m pefect because he is passionately in love with me but I often find myself picking stuff out about him that annoy me such as (clothing, his weight, his friends, job etc) He changes things that I dislike about him to keep me happy but when he does I find something else that bothers me and I feel extremely horrible about it because I’ll start realizing that no matter what he does I’m not 100% happy or satisfied in my relationship and I should accept him for who he is. But for me… I want passionate love, butterflies in my stomach kind of love, I know that sounds more like infatuation, but I know couples who are married and felt butterflies about their significant other in the beginning stage of their realtionship, eventually it dies out because you’re with someone for so long but I’ve never felt “butterlies” with him before. I know some will ask about our sex in this posting, our sex has always been good. It has never been great because I’ve never been physically attracted to him (thats another thing) Basically I’ve been selfish throughout our relationship, I’ve been with him for so long because I feel secure, I love his personality, I want to get married one day and he wants that in the future too, I feel comfortable around him, I know he knows me better than I know myself (I..I..I I’ve been selfish and I’ve only been thinking about myself throughout our relationship, and I feel horrible) Lately, it seems like everything he does annoys me. The way he talks, looks, everything! It makes me feel like a horrible person because it isn’t fair to him, he is a great person and I feel like I’m being distant towards him. We’ve taken two breaks during our relationship because I wasn’t sure about how I felt towards him, and each time he would tear up, and express his love towards me and it would break my heart to see him hurt and I would get back with him right away, but it was never what I wanted. I’ve asked friends, colleagues who are married/in relationship if they are in love with their partner and I hear different responses which confuses me. Am I obsessed with the idea of being in love? and its all fake, there is no such thing as butterflies, or being excited to see your partner as you get older? I look at married couples and can’t help to wonder if they’re both in love and happy, or are they just content and comfortable with one another? Is personality and getting along really enough to be with someone? I don’t feel that spark that I crave with my boyfriend.