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LostInParadise's avatar

What gives the FBI authority to arrest FIFA officials?

Asked by LostInParadise (32309points) June 7th, 2015

I don’t question the need to root out corruption. It just seems odd that an international organization should come under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Since nobody has raised a complaint, there must be a simple explanation.

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5 Answers

jaytkay's avatar

Here’s an article about that.

Oxford University Press – The FIFA scandal and the extraterritorial reach of US law

Two of the 14 individuals indicted were US citizens, another was a permanent resident of the United States, and three others owned residences in the United States. The use of the US banking system to facilitate the questionable conduct was extensive. Furthermore, many of the activities involved CONCACAF, which represented organized “soccer” in North America, Central America, the Caribbean, and three South American countries. The administration offices of CONCACAF were initially located in New York and later in Miami, Florida. Based on these and other allegations, the indictment simply does not support a claim that contact with the United States was incidental.

flutherother's avatar

Another point of view. Is America creating a new legal imperialism?

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Pandora's avatar

I’m sure the teams involved don’t care if it is over reach. I’m sure that many didn’t complain because they don’t want to take the chance of being disqualified.
If I understand @jaytkay they are pursuing those that either are American citizens, or permenant residents of the United States or ran their business here in the states. So that would make it under their jurisdiction.

As a citizen, if you commit a crime in another country and come home before their authorities have a chance to catch you, you can be tried here and or sent back to face trial. It’s up to the United States to decide and what kind of agreement they have with the country you committed the crime. I believe the reverse is true with some other countries. There are things, like being an international criminal that can get you thrown in jail in most countries and extradited. I think it depends on who wants to push for it and pay the jail time and court cost and how bad was the crime.

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