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lrk's avatar

What should I do with my BA in psychology?

Asked by lrk (769points) July 18th, 2008

If all goes as planned, I should be getting my Bachelor’s in Psychology in just a few years.

What are my options?

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12 Answers

wildflower's avatar

You can mess with people’s heads :)
So I’d recommend people management!

flameboi's avatar

HR, there you go!

marinelife's avatar

This site seems to have some answers for you:

“Careers with a BA degree are generally in one of three broad areas: Human Services, Business/Industry, and Research. Human Services positions may allow you to work directly with people in a structured therapeutic setting, usually under the supervision of others with more education and experience. While positions are likely to increase in the future, salaries and opportunities for advancement tend to be limited. You can move up into administrative and managerial positions in some agencies, which will increase your salary. When you are looking for these positions you will rarely find them listed as psychologist or under psychology. Try the position names listed in the box above. Potential employers that include state and local mental health services, mental retardation and developmental disabilities services, substance abuse programs, departments of social services, retirement centers, crisis intervention programs, shelters, and social services organizations. The state job service and governmental employment center may be helpful

In the Business area psychology majors may hold positions that assist others in the performance of a psychology related field (such as training or personnel). You may find positions in management training programs which are typically offered by larger corporations and can lead to management positions. The job with the most independence and highest potential earnings is in sales. Remember, managers and salespeople are people who use an understanding of people (psychology!) everyday to do their jobs. Potential employers include state and local government, banks, finance and insurance agencies, manufacturing, service agencies, and temporary employment agencies.

In research related areas you can apply what you have learned about research, such as observation, data collection, library research, and statistical analysis. These positions are available in private, corporate or governmental agencies whose major goal is research. You might become a research assistant or market interviewer you can put your skills to work under the supervision of a more senior researcher.

Think Transferrable Skills

There are two types of skills that apply to jobs. The first type of skills include those that are general skills that are transferable to a number of jobs. Your undergraduate training should have lead you to develop many transferrable skills. You should have developed a tolerance for the diversity of people, and you learned that human behavior is more complex than most people think. You can solve problems by researching information, making observations, and analyzing information using the scientific method. You are able to synthesize information and communicate well, both orally or in writing. Hopefully you have become comfortable using computers for common activities, such as word processing spreadsheets and searching the Internet. Specific job skills are those skills that are specific to particular jobs, such as counseling skills or office management skills. These skills and related knowledge are usually gained through practical work or volunteer experiences, supplemented by carefully selected coursework. Add to both of these types of skills evidence of personal characteristics that all employers look for, such as good work habits, dependability, leadership, and the ability to get along well with others.”

robmandu's avatar

Anything you want.

Seriously, simply having a 4-year degree opens doors that are otherwise closed. And the degree need not necessarily coincide with the field of work.

One of the top coders on my team (only) has a B.A. in English. He’s picked up everything else thru on-the-job training. It doesn’t hurt that he’s got a natural talent in that area. Without the degree he might never have gotten considered for the positions that led him to this point.

If you just want psychology things to do, there are some excellent recommendations above already.

Trance24's avatar

Well if you like kids a school psychologist is a good start. Thats what my friends mom does. Also try applying to offices looking for new people, or apprentices.

monsoon's avatar

I’m a third year psych student too. Here’s my plan that I came up with after being struck with “Oh-my-god-I’m-going-to-be-one-of-those-people-who-has-a-degree-they’ll-never-be-able-to-use” syndrome.

Check around craigslist. Look under nonprofit, and education, and you’ll find lots of jobs (If your near an urban area) that are very psychology related. Some places will even take bachelors degrees for counseling positions and research. While you can’t actually get any of these jobs, it can definitely help to boost your spirits, and show you there are jobs out there for you, and you can get a little taste of what your life may son be like.

Otherwise, like they said, there’s lots of work for psych majors in careers like business, advertising, human resources, and customer service. For me though, that’s not close to why I’m passionate about psychology, and really isn’t an option. For me.

What I’ve recently done is looked for a secondary something that I know will make a bit more money, that I’m also interested in. I’m now minoring in computer science, so that I know that I will make it through at least a masters degree in Psychology, which is when the real work can finally begin for you and me. :)

loser's avatar

get an MA?

monsoon's avatar

Yeah, pretty much what I was trying to say, in fewer words.

ninjaxmarc's avatar

whoever wants to hire you.

allengreen's avatar

If you wish to use my PSY degree, let me know, because I am not using mine.

scrappyblue's avatar

If you worked as a research assistant in a psych lab in undergrad, working in a data collection agency or research organization would suit you well. The research path fit well with my skill set after my BA in psych. On the other hand, my MA in social sciences helped round out my undergraduate education and prepared me for a career as a researcher.

Mr_Callahan's avatar

Join the military. Our boys could use some help dealing with the horrors of war.

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