I answered this in your other question that was basically the same question, but differently worded. while there are legally only 2 genders in the U.S. And most of the world, there have always been a very small but significant number of people who don’t fit neatly into one or the other. There have been thousands, if not millions, of people who for various reasons, their gender was either guessed by the OB doctor when they were born, or their genitalia was so ambiguous that their parents were allowed to choose what sex to put on the birth certificate. Legally, there are only two genders. You can’t legally be “both” or “neither” or even “other”. When the gender isn’t rock solid one or the other, someone guesses or chooses a gender for you. If she lived in Singapore, she might qualify as ‘third gender’ instead of female. But there is no legally recognized third gender. There’s male, female, and..”.I don’t know, pick one or the other”.. Gender ambiguity has always been resolved by selecting one gender or the other. It’s nothing new.
Aside from chromosomes and functioning female reproductive organs, Caitlin Jenner is female. Many women in America are legally born female and have male sex chromosomes. I wrote all about it in your other thread so you can read it there. Millions of women in America also don’t have functioning female reproductive organs. It’s a small percentage, but there are quite a few people who choose their gender or have their gender chosen for them based on how they look and feel. It’s not that unusual. Jenner is not trying to be or pretending to be a XX chromosome female with functioning reproductive organs. She’s simply claiming to be legally female. And there historically enough ambiguity about what being legally female actually means that she can ‘get away’ with it.
Race is very different. It’s not merely how you were born. It’s your history. It’s how you were raised and how other people perceive and react to you based on who they think you are.
Yes, you can change your skin and hair and ‘pass’ as another race. But skin and hair color is not race. You can’t change your personal history and culture you grew up in. Because that’s called lying. There is also a personal history and culture you grow up into being born female. But Jenner has never tried to do that. Jenner changed her legal gender. She didn’t try to change or lie about her past.
If Dolezal simply spray tanned and coiled her hair, but was honest about her personal history, it would be much easier to compare her to Jenner. If she had started out telling everyone she was born white but identified black, it would have been different. Would she have been ‘allowed’ to change race? We won’t ever really know because she never was honest, and my guess is that if she were honest and accepted, it never would have caused enough scandal to make the National news.
But she didn’t do that. She made up a huge web of lies and when she got caught, she just kept lying. She didn’t just try to look black and pass. She tried to pass herself off as being born black. If you have to lie and be deceitful about who you are in order change who you are, you aren’t going to be ‘allowed’ to continue on with the lies or pretend the lies never happened. You got caught lying. In order to be who you wanted to become, you had to lie and make up a fake life story.
You can change your gender without changing your past. Trans female isn’t the same as cis female. But it’s most certainly in that fuzzy area where many legal females who aren’t ‘totally female’ are. But you can NOT change your ethnicity without having to lie and cover up your past. Your history and culture growing up is a huge part of what your legal race is. In gender… Not so. It’s basically what you look like and people think you are.