General Question

talljasperman's avatar

What Is Donald Trump's official campaign web site adress?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) June 16th, 2015

Also will he have to put his 8 billion dollars in investments into a blind trust while he runs for president? Whom will he trust with the keys to the establishment?

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3 Answers

SavoirFaire's avatar

The official campaign website is here. Note that neither candidates nor elected officials are actually required to put their assets into a blind trust. It is more of a tradition (one that started with Lyndon Johnson) that presidents and presidential candidates use to combat conflicts of interest and/or the appearance thereof. Indeed, very few federal officials other than presidents put their assets into a blind trust.

When a candidate puts their assets into trust tends to vary. President Obama, for instance, did it at the start of his campaign, whereas Mitt Romney’s plan was to wait until he was elected. This isn’t a knock on Romney. It makes perfect sense for someone running against an incumbent to wait. And I imagine Trump would follow the Romney path given how intertwined he is with his brand. Although I also wouldn't be surprised if he decided to break tradition.

Buttonstc's avatar

It’s his name plus dot com.

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