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juniper's avatar

Movies or TV shows with scenes about academic dishonesty?

Asked by juniper (1910points) June 18th, 2015

Hi everyone,

I’m creating a unit for my ESL students (university level) about academic dishonesty—plagiarism, cheating, etc.

Can you think of any movies or TV shows that have scenes with students engaging in some kind of academic dishonesty? If you can recall the specific scene or episode, even better!

Thanks a ton!

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14 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

NSFW. South Park has an episode where Cartman helps Hispanic teenagers cheat. I don’t know the name of the episode. Edit: it is called “Eek, a penis.”

dappled_leaves's avatar

The 2000 TV movie Cheaters

2000 film The Emperor’s Club

The Perfect Score

An entry by Mr Bean

Simpsons episode Lisa Gets an A

Family Guy episode Brian Goes Back to College

Basically, any TV show with a high school aged character is going to have an episode that features cheating.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Breakfast Club

juniper's avatar

Thanks! Yeah, I know these scenes are everywhere out there—it’s just a matter of remembering them when I need to. I did think of a few good ones from Freaks and Geeks and Back to the Future.

Pachy's avatar

I don’t recall whether The Paper Chase movie included such a situation but I’m pretty sure the TV series did.

Zaku's avatar

Animal House – students from Animal House don’t study but are being threatened with expulsion for bad grades. They steal the answers for an exam, but their rival frat finds out and has switched the answers.

War Games – protagonist hacks school computer to alter grades and impress girl, then hacks military computers and nearly starts nuclear war

filmfann's avatar

Dead Poets Society

rockfan's avatar

It’s not exactly academic, but Quiz Show is pretty good

stanleybmanly's avatar

@dappled leaves Yes

dappled_leaves's avatar

@stanleybmanly But none of the students were given detention for cheating. They submitted one essay as a kind of protest, not really as a cheat.

ucme's avatar

Educating Rita

Here2_4's avatar

21 Jump Street. There were at least two episodes about fake grades. One dealt with college paying athletes and fixing their grades. There was at least one about selling term papers. They covered students under pressure sex for grades. I never watched the movie, so I don’t know if it would work for you.
Risky Business, Joel trades Future Enterprisers club for WTF, and trades an evening of joy to Princeton recruiter for admission to Princeton.
I’m not sure, maybe someone else here has seen it more recently than me. I think in the Teen Wolf remake with Michael J Fox, the best friend sold papers. He sure did find other ways to bend/break rules for cash.
Diary Of A Whimpy Kid an heirloom assignment gets a bad grade each time it is used.

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