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Berserker's avatar

If you were reduced to the size of an ant, what would you go check out?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) June 19th, 2015

Say you were reduced to the size of an ant for a day, is there anything you would go check out? I mean, if you were able to? Being small like that…you might get taken away by some insect, or killed by your own pet…but just for the fun of it.

I’d love to check out a nest, like made by bees or wasps. It’s probably filled with corridors and honeycomb rooms everywhere. That would be cool. Of course, getting killed by the bees inside would suck…maybe an abandoned nest. Or I would go hang around in a dollhouse, or a castle made of Legos…then I would go to sleep on a pillow. It would be like a huge piĺlow, heh.

Question just for fun. If you got that small, what would you go visit?

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26 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

I would eat gigantic cheese bread loafs in my fridge.

Here2_4's avatar

I would go inside my electronics which don’t work any more to see if I could figure out what is wrong with any of them.
GQ. I will mull this one over some more.

Blondesjon's avatar

Some of that ant queen.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I would tour through the servers at Apple or Google and hope i don’t get zapped by a capacitor.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline That would be fun, but I’m not sure what I’d do. I’d like to be a voyour but I don’t want that done to me, so I’m hesitant to go there.

keobooks's avatar

When I first read this Q, all I could think about was this . It’s a very good question, but I’ll have to get Steve Martin out of my head before I answer. This might take a while.

dxs's avatar

Go into my ant colony! I’ve always wanted to see what those look like. I’d have to carry a mini ant-headlight with me, though. I could put it on my ocelli.

Kardamom's avatar

I’m thinking I might want to crawl around on Jonny Lee Mille’s naked arse while he’s asleep. Probably the only time I might get the opportunity to do that.

Zaku's avatar

I’ve still got a maze I made for ants out of Legos, if anyone wants to try that out…

I’d want to go explore the ant colony tunnels of the ants I used to torment when I was a kid. They went into concrete and I wondered where they went and what they were like.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

An ant nest would be fascinating. I’d enjoy learning about their community. I’d like to go exploring the inside of the body, like in that film (that I can’t remember the name of but people were in a tiny ship and were implanted into someone’s body). Perhaps I could explore someone’s ear or something.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit I remember that movie. That was wild. But screw the ear. You know where I’m going, I’m bad.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Be careful you don’t get fucked while visiting that region. I wonder what that film was called?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Laughs. That would suck, getting crushed by that. It was something about a blank Journey wasn’t it?

Mimishu1995's avatar

I would clawl onto planes and travel around the world. After all who is going to notice me?

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Thank you @Brian1946! They should remake that. With the technology we have now it could be fun.

Kardamom's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe That would give new meaning to the term “Ants in my pants.” : )

kritiper's avatar

How all those other friggin’ ants are getting into the house!

ibstubro's avatar

Anything smaller than me that didn’t look predatory.
Things ‘smaller that the eye can see’.

Pachy's avatar

Whatever I checked out would be as far away from picnic grounds and other squash-likely spots as possible!

ucme's avatar

I’d join Adam & the lads, i’m the dandy highwayman.

Berserker's avatar

Lol, nice yall.

Also eeeew Kardamom, you’d go in some dude’s butt? XD

But actually, a trip through the human body would be…I don’t know what it would be. But you would have to be even smaller than an ant, so you could travel through veins and stuff. Then have anti bodies come after you, and slip and slide through guts and testicles, fist fight sperm, then go climb around on nose hairs and shit.

Kardamom's avatar

@Symbeline LOL. Not in, on. I’d like to walk all over his booty like it was the foothills of the headlands : P

Zaku's avatar

@Kardamom I’m glad you clarified that. I was wondering too.

Blackberry's avatar

Sorry, I’m gonna be that guy that looks at naked women.

Coloma's avatar

I’d crawl under the door of a marijuana dispensary that was next door to a non-24 hour grocery store and then, after an ant sized high I would run amok in the deli, bakery, ice cream zone and spend the night eating myself to near death. Then I would make a bed in the housewares zone on some soft dishtowel or oven mitt and sleep, sleep, sleep.
Hopefully I could find the music and tune into my favorite station too. I’m sure I could find some other insect friends to party with like cockroaches, silverfish, and spiders. lol

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