Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Is Lex Luthor based on Donald Trump?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) June 20th, 2015

They are both billionaires, bald, bold, and smart. Also they both ran for president. Both are Republicans.

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10 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I think it might be the other way around, The “Don” is based on Lex.

jaytkay's avatar

No, Lex Luthor is governor of Florida.

Pachy's avatar

I’m sure you meant your question to be in jest, but as a lifelong devotee of Superman, I’d like to share a bit of background
on Mr. Luthor.

filmfann's avatar

I am pretty sure LL doesn’t hate Mexicans.

ragingloli's avatar

Trump is a joke compared to Lex.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Lex is a scientific genius and understands the intricacies of chemical processes.

Buttonstc's avatar

The character Lex Luthor was created in 1940.

Donald Trump wasn’t born until 1946. Unless the writers had a crystal ball showing the future so…

Draw your own conclusions :)

jerv's avatar

Lex Luthor is politically savvy. In fact, he specifically refrained from running for President as it would mean a pay cut and loss of power. When he finally relented, he won the election and actually did a good job in the Oval Office.

Donald Trump not only wants to be President, but can’t keep his foot out of his mouth long enough to get 10% support for the nomination within his own party.

Trump also had enough “surefire” deals fall though that he’s filed for bankruptcy multiple times while Lex Luthor managed to remain wealthy even when the acting CEO of Lexcorp sold all company assets to the Wayne Foundation. (Conflict of interest prevented him from being CEO and POTUS at the same time.)

talljasperman's avatar

@all thanks for your answers.

talljasperman's avatar

I would think that the
Opposite is true that Donald Trump is based on Lex Luthor.

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