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Kardamom's avatar

What is the difference between making a mistake and choosing to do something stupid?

Asked by Kardamom (33583points) June 20th, 2015

Note: for the purpose of this question, use your own definition of things that you consider to be stupid, because I’m sure we all have slightly different ideas of what we consider to be stupid, and what we do not. Also, if it makes it easier for you to answer this question, feel free to substitute the word unwise, or unhelpful for the word stupid.

Sometimes people do stupid things. Sometimes people make mistakes. Sometimes people do stupid things and then claim that they made a mistake. Sometimes people do the same stupid thing over and over again, but still claim to have made a mistake.

Sometimes people do stupid things because they don’t know any better. Sometimes people do stupid things, because doing the smart thing is harder than doing the stupid thing.

Sometimes people do stupid things, because they simply don’t care how stupid it is in the heat of the moment, and only despair about it after the fact, when the stupid action is causing a problem in their life.

Sometimes, even when people realize that doing a particular stupid thing is messing up their life, even if they know there are other alternatives that will likely make their lives better in the long run, they still continue to do the same stupid thing, consciously. Why do you think some people do that?

Are there any stupid acts, that if repeated, are still considered simply mistakes? Even if those acts are done over and over again?

When does a making a mistake come to be considered a stupid action, and no longer just a mistake?

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10 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

Someone who makes a mistake tries to learn from it.

Someone who does something stupid enjoys it and refuses to learn.

LostInParadise's avatar

Sometimes doing the right thing is much more difficult. We can fall into a pattern that is much easier to stay in than to break out of it. An addict may know that taking drugs is messing up their lives but not have the strength of will to stop.

I once saw a comedy routine with Bob Newhart playing a psychologist who limited himself to 5 minute appointments. Whatever problem the patient complained of, the advice was always the same. Stop doing that. If only life was so simple.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The difference is intent.

A mistake is unintentional

Doing something stupid implies an active choice (i.e. intent) to do that thing


I am walking on the roof of my garage. I trip on the dead body up there. and fall off the roof, landing on my car and breaking the windshield. That was a mistake.

I am walking on the roof my garage and look down, thinking that if I get a running start, I can clear the car and land in the swimming pool next to the driveway. So I walk backward, then start running forwards, jump off the roof towards the swimming pool. But alas, I had calculated wrong and I landed on my car and broke the windshield. That was choosing to do something stupid

Pachy's avatar

Deleted by pachy

dappled_leaves's avatar

I don’t think there is always a difference between a mistake and a stupid action, and I don’t agree that the difference is one of intent. There is overlap, but it is not complete.

Doing a stupid thing can also be a mistake. You can’t make a mistake intentionally, but you can do a stupid thing intentionally.

Now, your question literally specifies choosing to do something stupid. So, there is no overlap there. But I think that we often interpret stupid actions as intentional, maybe because of the benefit of hindsight, or in the case of observing someone else’s behaviour, the benefit of our own experience.

Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One's avatar

If you make a mistake, it’s always a mistake. Sometimes people do something stupid that actually turns out well.. Like the first successful hang glider.

Blondesjon's avatar

Kissing a hooker is a mistake.

Kissing your sister is choosing to do something stupid.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Blondesjon – unless the hooker is your sister, in which case you have even more tzoris..

josie's avatar

Human beings are fallible. They look at the facts of reality before them and make a decision.
But, because they are fallible, on occasion they will

a. Not have all the information they need to make an objectively correct assessment of the circumstance, so they do their best and wind up “losing the bet” or…

b. Make a whimsical decision based on how they feel, which may or may not have anything to do with reality, but decide to use that as a basis for decision making.

a. Is a mistake.
b. Is stupid

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Doing something wrong twice due to ignorance is a mistake. Doing the same thing a third and fourth time is a stupid choice.

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