People vilify the poor as being lazy losers, sucking off all of American tax dollars. This is because that’s what the super rich pay lobbyists and spin doctors to make you think the poor are the real problem.
So, people on food stamps are losers to lazy to get a job? Did you know that ¾ths of those lazy losers have jobs? People are trying to crack down on poor people abusing the system, even though it’s been documented that there’s only about once cent out of every dollar being misspent?
Yes, welfare costs the country about 370 billion, but the rich collectively leech off an estimated 2.2 TRILLION in tax avoidance. The ultra rich also gain 5 TRILLION in U.S. Investment gains. For every 1 dollar paid to welfare, the rich are paid 10 dollars just for these investments. I should mention that all 5 trillion of these dollars are earned tax free.
And the thing is, many people think that the super rich people are just a little bit better off than the average middle class. This is nowhere near the truth. The amount of money that the super rich kick around is mindbogglingly huge.
The top 14 earners in America receive more tax dollars from investment gains than the 46 million people on welfare. And they earn a lot more. And that doesn’t include the money they “earn” by avoiding paying taxes.
So we kick out several trillion dollars to less than 20 people in America. We have no problem at all with that. But we cry out in rage over the ⅓ of a trillion that’s divided out between 46 million people. And this seems reasonable?
We have one of the world’s largest economies and we give out less to the extreme poor than all of the industrialized ones. We demonize poor people and call them lazy. Most of the people getting welfare style benefits for life are the elderly, severely disabled and the children of the poor who are unable to work to earn money. We forget about all of those people who work legit jobs at places like Walmart and McDonalds and get paid so little that they still need food stamps. We don’t provide parental, sick leave or vacation in any form on a national level, even though almost all the other “civilized” nations do. We don’t even provide healthcare. Even developing nations are starting to manage to afford that! In Europe, when they raise the retirement age to 63, people are rioting in the streets. People are seriously talking about raising retirement to 70 here and nobody seems to care!
Why do we allow almost 50 million to live in squalor and threaten to take away the miserly pennies we give them? Because we don’t want to be “unfair” to 15 people and take away a tiny fraction of their hard earned income.
Seriously, if we took away the loopholes from these rich people, they may suffer so badly that they wouldn’t be able to afford that second or third private island. But about 50 million people would get a little more food and maybe even some healthcare. Why are we working to hard to protect the interests of these 15 billionaires? Even if they got cut off their form of welfare, they’d still be insanely rich. Why must we hurt tens of millions of people—taking away their ability to eat and live in a home to keep these billionaires so rich that most of us can’t even imagine what it’s like to have that kind of money?
If things don’t change, our country is going to change in a nasty way. It will be a very flow change. It will happen so slowly that people will just accept one lifestyle downgrade after another without too much of a fight. But one day, the U.S. Will look more like modern day India than the good old USA.when that happens, not even India will look like our modern India. In India, they are trying to fix the fact that there are a very small number of extremely wealthy people, an extremely large number of people in deep poverty and not very many people in the middle. In the U.S., we’re trying to embrace these demographics.
The more you demonize the very poor and idolize the very rich, the more you are feeding into the destruction of the middle class. Because it’s not enough for them just to take away all the benefits from the millions of poor people. They want your middle class dollars as well. They don’t want you to have app affordable mortgage or affordable means of getting into college. They don’t want you to be protected against working 7 days a week. They don’t want you to get any financial help when you’re very old and your nest egg got eaten up by soaring inflation. They just want more money.
And if I’m just blowing smoke, then why are so many of the rich forking out cash to make sure that their politicians are the ones who get elected and their financial issues are given top priority?