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rojo's avatar

(NSFW) Would you recognize your own genitalia?

Asked by rojo (24187points) June 22nd, 2015

If you were shown a dozen or so 8×10 glossy color photos of various sundry genitalia of the same gender as you would you be able to pick your own out of the lineup?

Could you pick out your Significant Others and would doing so be easier than identifying your own?

Would it make any difference if it were flaccid or rigid (either your own or your partners)?

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24 Answers

Pachy's avatar

The average length of an elephant schlong is over six feet, so yes, I’m reasonably certain I’d be able to spot mine.

I started to post a photo of one (not my own) but decided to let you guys Google that for yourselves if you wish (which I pray you don’t). ;-)

ucme's avatar

Mine would be the baby arm holding an apple, beautifully tanned.
The wife’s would be the one with the labia shaped like a mini map of the UK.

zenvelo's avatar

@ucme Is that why you walk around saying “Fucking Manchester!” ?

I’d recognize my own and my girlfriend’s pretty easily.

ucme's avatar

@zenvelo We are a nation of dog pussy lovers after all.

filmfann's avatar

@Pachy An elephant shlong is referred to as a Dork. True.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Now that the juveniles have made their crude comments, the adults will answer.

- Yes, of course I would recognize mine.

Although I would make two observations:

1) why would anyone take a picture of them in the first place? And why 8×10? And glossies? Really!!

2) More to the point, what’s the use case/scenario that would require a person to be carrying around a dozen pictures of mens’ schlongs?

I realize that UPS delivers packages, but I am not sure that this is what they mean.

Pachy's avatar

@filmfann, I stand (erect) corrected.

whitenoise's avatar

I don’t think so. Not from paper, not reliably.

I would have to try, but why don’t you give me a chance with the real thing and 9 true, live alternatives? That actually may be a bit too easy for my own body parts, but it would be interesting to see if I can recognise those of my better half. I’d welcome the challenge.

ucme's avatar

@elbanditoroso Juvenille, moi? Sourpuss, grumpyface…sourpuss, grum…

DominicY's avatar

Yes. My genitals are very distinctive ;) Plus I have a mole in a certain spot that would make picking them out easier :P

rojo's avatar

@whitenoise that would be cheating. You would have other bodyparts that would give you clues (heads, noses etc)!
@elbanditoroso Probably 8×10 glossy is a term that dates me. Today it would be a dozen Hi Rez pics on a website.

anniereborn's avatar

Yes and yes.

stanleybmanly's avatar

This is one of those questions I would ordinarily ignore with the contempt it deserves, but it made me realize how very little time I’ve spent looking at my equipment. Frankly, I doubt if I could pick mine out of a lineup, and could care less.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I don’t think I would. Don’t spend a lot of time looking at it. I also don’t usually get the urge to get a mirror out to look at my genitalia from different angles, so I really only see it from above.

kritiper's avatar

I agree with @Earthbound_Misfit from the standpoint of which angle are these genitalia being viewed from, then maybe I would.

Berserker's avatar

Mine have teeth, so it would be easy to spot.

dxs's avatar

No. I don’t examine much, either. I couldn’t even tell you which ball hangs lower.

ibstubro's avatar

As @Earthbound_Misfit suggests and @kritiper seconds, it might all depend on the angle of the photograph.

If m..m…m….Massage was permissible, I’m probably 100% on the SO. I’m more tactile than visual when it comes to…er… genitalia.

This question is a minefield! Keep em coming. Arg!

rojo's avatar

@Symbeline incisors for cutting and tearing or molars for masticating??

rockfan's avatar

I don’t usually complain about questions, but c’mon, this is really silly. But to answer your question, yes, I’m pretty sure I could spot my genitalia

fluthernutter's avatar

@rockfan I think the knee jerk reaction to this question is that it’s silly and juevenile.

But if you really think about it, it’s actually a question worth contemplating.

Is there any other body part that most people wouldn’t readily recognize? Probably not. I think as a culture, we’re still pretty sexually-repressed. Genitals are usually not seen as something beautiful. Rather, they’re these odd parts of ourselves that we more or less ignore. Even if we’re are having sex, our genitals are rarely afforded the simple acknowledgement that we give to the rest of our bodies.

It’s like eating, but having no idea what your mouth looks like. Or smelling, without acknowledging your nose.

That’s just plain weird if you think about it.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

@fluthernutter, I get and agree with you to a point. I also don’t see this question as frivolous. It does depend on how you approach it. However, I don’t think our genitalia is unique in terms of lack of observation. I probably couldn’t recognise the back of my legs, my back, my bum or a whole range of other parts of my body either. Our genitals, unless we get a hand mirror, are just not easily viewed in their entirety. A lack of awareness doesn’t necessarily relate to repression.

If we stand in front of a mirror we can view them from the front and if we look down we can view them from above but it’s not so easy to visually inspect them from all angles unless you’re motivated to get a mirror and really get serious about investigating how they look. I actually think that’s not a bad thing to do, and especially for women who may have difficulty understanding how and why they orgasm. I think it’s a great exercise in helping us to get in touch with our sexuality. Spending some time getting in touch with our bodies can only be a positive.

ibstubro's avatar


But to recognize yourself in a photo, you need a True Mirror. Otherwise you’re just that “oddly hot stranger that looks familiar.”

Berserker's avatar

@rojo Molars with incisors coming out of them.

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