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SQUEEKY2's avatar

If you find yourself walking on the road at night, what would you do to keep yourself safe?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23573points) June 23rd, 2015

Myself I would walk facing traffic, and if at all possible carry a flashlight so traffic could see me.
Last night on the way back on my run, there were two people walking on the side of the road, with traffic instead of against, very dark clothes, no flashlight, and right on the fog line, I didn’t see these two until I was right on them, I missed them by inches.
The dirt and wind I must have made for them would have been most unpleasant, but I could just make them out in my mirrors and could tell they were alright.
This was highway 1, not some country back road, a major truck rout, think these two were idiots or am I just over reacting?

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35 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is it a thrill to have a two trailer tractor trailer go by you at night, going 100kph just inches away?
Sure scared the heck out of me.

chyna's avatar

When I would be out at night walking my dog, I would have reflective arm bands, a flashlight and a little blinking light for my dogs collar. I would not be walking on the side of a highway unless I had no choice if my car was broke down.
Maybe the people you saw didn’t know any better?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That is just the problem these days @chyna most of the general public doesn’t seem to know any better.
Do these people just take it for granted that the motoring public will see them?

bossob's avatar

I walk against traffic, and get as far from the pavement as possible when I see a vehicle approaching, At night, I wear a reflective vest like road crews wear sometimes.

Interesting phenomenon I’ve noticed when walking on 2 lane rural roads. When possible, men will move into the oncoming lane to give me as much space as possible. Women will barely cross the center line and pass me with just a couple feet of clearance. My wife didn’t believe me until I took her along one day. (Single file of course!) She believes me now!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Hey @bossob study it at shopping centre parking lots as well, women will not wait and soon as drive over you then slow them down, now when they are the ones on foot they expect you to yield for them, nice that it is such a two way street with them

JLeslie's avatar

Walk against traffic and wear bright or white colors. It always stuns me how people assume drivers will see everything. Not only the example of walking at night, but also people walking behind cars, walking out from between cars. It’s really unbelievable to me.

kritiper's avatar

Yes, walk facing traffic. Watch those approaching cars (from both directions!) VERY closely!!! One out of every four drivers coming at you is legally impaired!

Pachy's avatar

I will add only one thing to what others have said… I would have a fully charged cell phone with me but NOT stare into its screen as I walked. It makes me nuts to see people walking in the street and in public parking lots using their phones.

ibstubro's avatar

I can only guess that they had been walking since before dark and it didn’t occur to them to change there behavior until you buzzed them. Perhaps you saved their lives.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I don’t walk on my roads at night, that would be death. It’s a narrow two lane road and the people drive on it like idiots. I’ve walked it in the day and they don’t give any room. Right on the white line and there’s no shoulder.

dxs's avatar

The first thing I thought of was to make sure you don’t look lost and try to stay on well-lit roads. I guess I had a different environment in mind.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I have to walk five and a half miles to get to a street light.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, honestly, if I found myself walking along a lonely road at night I would keep to the fields and the bushes so no cars could see me.

josie's avatar

Do you mean walking on the road where there is traffic, or walking in the bad part of my neighborhood. Two different issues.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Laughs, try that out here and you’ll fall into creeks and rivers, gullies, or walking into a farmers pasture. Hope there’s no bulls out there.

Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One's avatar

Maybe they were ghosts..unconcerned with a collision as your car would just whoosh right through their specterly rib cage.

Or they were morons. Probably the second one.

ibstubro's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe was directed at @Dutchess_III because I thought the same thing. Muddy, wet to the knees (if you’re lucky), cut and bruised from the fence and stump close encounters, crawling with fleas and ticks, covered in burrs and nothing but one red bump from bites.
At least @SQUEEKY2 didn’t splatter you! ~

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@ibstubro It was. And I forgot about the ticks. I’d have Lyme Disease part way there.

chyna's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe And then there are those damn bats.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@chyna Oh god, don’t mention bats please. There’s probably a small nocturnal bug out there too. Laughs.

ibstubro's avatar

Well, @Adirondackwannabe I neglected the animals, wild and domestic. Barbed wire. Multiflora rose. And yes, @chyna the damn bats!

dxs's avatar

Agh you got me thinking about rural areas again. Not before bed, please, I don’t want any nightmares.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Rural areas aren’t too bad. But it is that banjos I hear?

dxs's avatar

No, that’s Leatherface.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’d rather face ditches and mud and ticks and whatever, as long as no cars could see me. Or more correctly, no drivers could see me. That would be about 20 feet off the road, in my experience. Reasonably civilized thereabouts. Just let me hide. I’d also be looking for farm houses to run to, if I needed to.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

This was ten miles from the nearest town on Highway 1, also known as the TransCanada highway, lots of transport traffic ,there was a paved shoulder but these two were walking right on the fog line damn near in my lane,and walking with traffic instead of against.

ibstubro's avatar

What do you refer to as the “fog line”? @SQUEEKY2 I’ve not heard the term before.

If there was a shoulder and they weren’t making use of it, I would have to think they were practicing impaired walking.

During the rainy season last year we had a car go off in a ditch on a 2 lane highway a couple miles from town and both occupants drowned. No ditch diving in the dark for me.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The fog line is the solid white line on the right to tell where your lane ends and the shoulder begins.
Ever heard the term hammer lane?That is the left hand lane, for passing and a lot of brain dead car drivers like to hang out in.
Ever heard the term Granny lane?That is the right hand lane on a divided highway.
Ever hear (had to put the jewelry on)That is when we have to put our traction chains on.
Salt shaker ? plow truck.
Meat wagon? Ambulance.
Four wheeler? Any car,suv, or pickup truck driver.

ucme's avatar

Quick call to my chauffeur & it’s all good.

ibstubro's avatar

Never heard it called the fog line. Not even sure we have a name for it here.
The rest I’m vaguely acquainted with but for the jewelry, and chains are possibly against the law here, @SQUEEKY2.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@ibstubro if you live in a state that gets snow, it would be mandatory for transports to have them during the winter months.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Explain the “Granny lane” in more detail. You talking about a 4 lane or 6 lane? What do you mean by “divided highway”?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

It could also be defined as the lane for all the through traffic,and I was referring to four lane divided highway.

ibstubro's avatar

If you’re gonna putt, at least get over in the Granny lane!
(It’s the law in Illinois.)

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am confused, still. Are you talking about freeways or podunk highways? How many lanes?

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