Social Question

Have you ever encountered something with a horribly inappropriate name?
No matter what your opinion is on abortion, I think we can all agree on this one. Abortion drone has got to be a name that conjures up the image of something incredibly awful. Even after I read the article and found out that its true purpose was kind of bland (people use it to deliver birth control and abortion pills to women in Poland, where that stuff is illegal.) I still can’t stop thinking about what the word “abortion drone” first brought to my mind.
I immediately imagined a drone flying around, programmed to attack pregnant women and give them an on the spot instant abortion somehow. I couldn’t bring myself to think of exactly how it would perform such a task. And after it was done, it would just fly away, looking for another pregnant woman to attack. I think I have an idea for a new dystopian novel.
Anyway, so yeah, I think that’s a terrible name for that thing. Can you think of anything else you’ve encountered with an extremely unfortunate name?