Meta Question

Zaku's avatar

How can I edit (add to) my followed Topics?

Asked by Zaku (30810points) June 25th, 2015

On my profile, it shows the topics I’m interested in. I can mark them private (I guess that means I’d still follow them, but others wouldn’t see that on my profile), or remove them…

What if I want to add one? I’ve looked around the links on my profile / account pages, and don’t see any way to do that.

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10 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

If you hover your cursor over the topic button, you’ll get a rectangle containing an Add Topic button.

If you click on it, that topic should be added to your profile.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Good question, if the topic doesn’t exist, i have yet to find away to add it to the account.

Zaku's avatar

@Brian1946 Thanks, but I don’t see an Add Topic button. I’ve hovered over both the Topics tab, and the Topic header… is the topics button something else somewhere?

I do get pop-ups to remove topics when I hover over a specific topic.

Zaku's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central You can add a topic by starting a new question and then adding it as a tag.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ Thanks, very good information.

Brian1946's avatar


Here’s an image of what I see, when I hover my cursor over the settings topic button in your question.

Brian1946's avatar

There’s a list of popular topics on the right side of the Home page.

Zaku's avatar

@Brian1946 Ah! Thanks! I might never have thought to look in either place. So, I can use the search to hopefully find an existing tag on a question, and add it there.

Brian1946's avatar

Are the topics displayed in this question in your profile?

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