Social Question

longgone's avatar

How often do you feel guilty?

Asked by longgone (19922points) June 26th, 2015

I feel like I am neglecting something or other pretty much every day. Recently, someone close to me suggested that these feelings are neither helpful nor, for the most part, warranted.

I’m wondering whether the amount of guilt I feel is common. How often do you feel guilty? What about? Do you believe your guilt serves a purpose?

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12 Answers

jca's avatar

Not too often. Maybe a thought here and there, but not overly anxiety causing.

stanleybmanly's avatar

More than I should. I’ve fallen into the bad habit of allowing too many people to depend on me one way or another, and it’s exhausting.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Why would I feel guilty? I put myself out there exactly as I am. If you don’t like it tough beans. I take care of a bunch of peeps, and they rely on me a lot, but I’m okay with it.

talljasperman's avatar

I feel more regret than guilt.

dabbler's avatar

I shouldn’t even be thinking about a question like this – I’m so ashamed !

Blondesjon's avatar

Every. Single. Day.

kritiper's avatar

I suffer from a severe, intense, life-long guilt complex. A curse I wouldn’t wish on anyone but my worst enemies.

ibstubro's avatar

Almost never.
Almost without exception the only things I do that are “wrong” in my estimation are in retaliation for a wrong that I believed was greater.

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Kardamom's avatar

I don’t feel guilty for things that I have done, or haven’t done, but I feel tremendous guilt, and have so for my entire life, for not being smart enough.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Quite a lot but that’s a function of anxiety and we all have it to a certain degree. I have finally recovered from a bout of stress induced anxiety and disconnected “guilt” was a huge part of it.

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