Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

If you were invited to a same sex wedding, what kind of food would you hope would be served at the reception?

Asked by Kardamom (33583points) June 27th, 2015

As asked.

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13 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

Rib eye carved roast. Cheesecake.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

It would not matter, if i were at a same-sex reception it would be because I somehow got so inebriated I could barely walk and would not even know what planet I was on.

anniereborn's avatar

Something with a choice for a vegetarian.

bossob's avatar

Uh…honestly…what difference would the genders make regarding the food choices? I don’t get it.

Kardamom's avatar

Get a grip people. This was supposed to be a tribute to the new law, passed by the Supreme Court today, making same-sex marriages legal and recognized in all 50 states.

Until today, in some states you would not have been able to have been invited to a same-sex couple’s wedding, because same-sex marriages were not allowed. Get it?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Good food and plenty of it.

keobooks's avatar

I only went to one wedding where I objected to the choice of food. They offered us water, dinner mints and wedding cake. Nothing else. It wouldn’t have been so awful, but the ceremony was at 11, the reception was at noon and after the ceremony the couple took this long slow carriage ride around the city and had lots of pictures taken before they came to the reception. Nobody felt that it was polite to leave the reception without at least one cheer for the happy couple. So everyone just sat around, scarfing handfuls of mints and chugging water, getting grouchier and hungrier are time passed.

That was miserable.

Otherwise, my attitude on food at weddings is, it’s free for me and there’s usually all I can eat. Win win win all around.

Kardamom's avatar

@keobooks Oh my! That sounds like a scene from a Seinfeld episode.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Rainbow jello! Or…I tried to create a fruit bouquet on year. It just didn’t work out so good. It was basically grapes skewered on a stick with a strawberry on top. It was so phallic that my kids (jokingly) wouldn’t let their kids look at it!

Lightlyseared's avatar

Cheese wedding cake.

Because why not?

Pachy's avatar

Anything you’d brjng to any wedding to show your thanks, congratulations, respect, and affection.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I was at a same sex wedding this weekend and the food was lovely. My best friend who was one of the brides is a major foodie!!

The starter was pate (which I don’t like but everyone else at the wedding seemed to), the main course was chicken breast wrapped in bacon with fresh veggies and desert was cheesecake, chocolate and lemon tart.

During the evening do there was a table of the normal party food including sausage sandwiches which is my friend’s all time favourite food!! It’s a standing joke that she is a lesbian who still appreciates a good sausage!!!

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