If you are invited by a married same-sex couple to their 4th of July potluck, what will you bring?
Asked by
Kardamom (
June 27th, 2015
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20 Answers
Probably either potato salad, savoury muffins, a cake, or a chocolate mousse. These are my party foods. They work for heterosexuals, too.
Whatever they need? This is an odd question.
(copy/pasted from your other similar question) Uh…honestly…what difference would the genders make regarding the food choices? I don’t get it.
Is there a differential you’re thinking of that I’m not privy to?
A variety of sweet and savory goodies plus beer or wine!
P.S. Their gender choices would be of no issue! I really do not see why any mention was made.
Get a grip people. This was supposed to be a tribute to the new law, passed by the Supreme Court today, making same-sex marriages legal and recognized in all 50 states.
Until today, in some states you would not have been able to have been invited to a same-sex couple’s 4th of July party, because same-sex marriages were not allowed. Get it?
a cake shaped like two intertwined penises
To begin with, when invited to a potluck, unless you’re renowned for some specialty, It’s probably good form to ask the host for suggestions.
Same thing as I would bring to a potluck hosted by a single person or a heterosexual couple.
I want to say fruit salad (which is what I usually bring to potlucks), but that might get misinterpreted! So I guess I’d also bring along some fish tacos. No wait! Um… clams? Sushi? Shit… I’ll just put the hot dogs in the buns. Ahh! That’s not what I meant! Tossed salad? Spotted dick?
Fuck it, I’ll just bring the fireworks.
Fruit Loops, Pepperoni, and Liza Minnelli.~ I’d bring Freddy but he’s no longer with us. :(
Anything you’d bring any other couple to show your appreciation for the invitation.
Can someone please clear me on the co-relation between someone’s gender and food? #justAsking
@JeSuisRickSpringfield Thank you. I was hoping people would figure out that there’s no correlation, although some people will try to make one, simply because it says “same sex couple” as opposed to Bob’s Birthday Party, or Evening 4th of July Party. Apparently some people still don’t quite get it, and that was the point : )
For those of you who don’t get it, try changing the “same sex couple” part to Bob and Rita Johnson. No one would ask, “What is the correlation between Bob and Rita being married have to do with food???” It doesn’t have anything to do with it, you were just being invited to a potluck, that happened to have Bob and Rita, or a gay couple named Bob and Eric as the hosts.
^ I got the point, and I like it. To be fair, though, I would probably totally amend my answer with something like, “They’d work for John and Trudy’s potluck, too.”
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