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ragingloli's avatar

In honour of the 1993 "Jurassic Park", what is your favourite extinct, and your favourite living dinosaur?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) June 27th, 2015

I am going for the actual velociraptor

and the crow

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31 Answers

josie's avatar

I forgot which ones are real dinosaurs
I like T Rex

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Ol Bronto made his presence felt!

Berserker's avatar

I like velociraptors too. There’s another dinosaur I like, but I don’t know the name of it. It walked on all fours, with a huge crate/fin thing on its back. Kind of looked like a flat version of the stegosaurus.

Pachy's avatar

Kirk Douglas and Betty White.

ragingloli's avatar

you are all missing the living dinosaurs.

Berserker's avatar

Komodo dragons.

ragingloli's avatar

unfortunately, they are not dinosaurs.

Berserker's avatar

Really? Damn. I thought anything that was a lizard must be some kind of descendant. What are living dinosaurs then?

Berserker's avatar

Haha, then our choices are exactly the same, crows and ravens are great. Owls too.

ucme's avatar

Two quick points before I answer, you appear to have a hard on for the original JP, it dated badly.
Also, this feels like the dumb kid at school who mistakenly thinks they found out something new.
Now, to answer the question, T-Rex and Kestrel.

Berserker's avatar

I remember hearing somewhere that archeologists and scientists and shit theorized that the T Rex was more of a scavenger than a hunter. (which is actually awesome)

ragingloli's avatar

JP dated excellently. It still looks great, and the Dinos still look more real than JW’s.

ucme's avatar

We disagree, which is fine.
Getting back to the T-Rex, why the fuck did nature give him such tiny, useless front legs?
I mean, how in the name of fuckery was he supposed to floss after chowin down on a hunka meat.

ragingloli's avatar

who needs long arms when you have the strongest jaw of any land animal that ever existed.

ucme's avatar

Those, lets just call them stumps, were pathetic, better to have none at all.

ragingloli's avatar

They eventually turned into wings, so it is all fine.

Adagio's avatar

My favourite living dinosaur? The tuatara of course.

dappled_leaves's avatar

My favourite extinct dinosaur is probably Chasmosaurus (what is up with that crazy frill?).

My favourite living dinosaur is the cassowary, because it really looks the part.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I like the velociraptor too for the extinct dinosaur.

Living, I’ll go with the crocodile. Beautiful, dangerous and very, very sneaky.

As a second option for a living but definitely not favourite dinosaur, I’ll go with Tony Abbott. He’s most assuredly a living dinosaur.

ragingloli's avatar

crocs and any other modern lizards are not dinosaurs.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar


The reconstructed genome of the common ancestor will be a valuable tool for investigating the evolution of the “archosaurs,” the group that includes all dinosaurs, pterosaurs, birds, and crocodilians. (Crocodilians are actually more closely related to birds and dinosaurs than they are to other reptiles, i.e., lizards, snakes, and turtles.) Green said the genome reconstruction effort, led by UC Santa Cruz research specialist Benedict Paten, yielded about half of the genome sequence of the common ancestor with an accuracy of about 91 percent, and he expects that to improve as more data on bird and crocodile genomes become available.:

ragingloli's avatar

archosaurs are not dinosaurs. it is just a group that includes them.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Extinct (for now) : Utahraptor

Alive: the golden eagle

ibstubro's avatar

Coincidentally I opened this question while Titanoboa was still open in another tab.

cazzie's avatar

Love me a tuatara. and the OP is mistaken thinking that only birds are somehow the ‘direct decedents’ of past dinosaurs.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@cazzie No, @ragingloli is quite correct about this. Dinosaurs do not include snakes, turtles or reptiles (assuming your definition of reptile excludes birds, which some don’t).

See this cladogram. The only living members (note that a cross indicates an extinct line) of Dinosauria are birds.

Here2_4's avatar

I thought sharks and alligators and crocs were dinosaurs. I thought also that I heard lately about a species of tortoise which was a dinosaur. I realize now that I don’t know as much abut prehistory as I thought.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Here2_4 People use the word “dinosaur” casually to mean anything old. It doesn’t get confusing until it is applied to animal species!

cazzie's avatar

I was like @Here2_4, I was sure I had heard the same thing. Now I can see how that is wrong.

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