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LuckyGuy's avatar

Does your Keurig coffee maker sound like the witch's castle guards' chant in the Wizard of Oz?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) June 28th, 2015

I was given a Keurig coffee maker as a gift. (Half of all Keurigs are given as gifts, by the way.)
While making coffee, I noticed the unit sounds very much like the chant, OEO, Ee O the witch’s castle guards make as they march.
Does your unit do that?

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9 Answers

Pachy's avatar

Mine burps and gurgles while making coffee, and then when it has completely filled the cup, gurgles a bit longer, spits, and then lets out of pitiful sigh before going silent.

chyna's avatar

I also received one as a gift recently. I have not used it yet as I don’t drink coffee. At all. Ever. So I thought I would use it in the winter for hot chocolate. I will revisit this question then.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@chyna I also use mine to heat water for tea and hot chocolate. IMO, it is too expensive for just coffee. I buy the cheap stuff from Ollie’s at 33 cents per cup – and use it twice. I prefer just a hint of caffeine.

Kardamom's avatar

@LuckyGuy Ha ha ha. My friend has one of those. It does gurgle and spurt, but no chanting. It’s too bad really. It would be really cool if it chanted like those Tuva Throat Singers

syz's avatar

No, but your question actually made me chuckle. Thanks.

Coloma's avatar

Haha…coincidentally I JUST shelved the Keurig for a regular drip pot again. I hadn’t really noticed any chanting but seriously, I do not like Keurig, it uses waaay too much coffee per cup and is a PITA IMO. I just bought a cheapo little drip maker on amazon and I am really liking the archaic coffee scene again. Funny because I almost asked a Q. the other day about ” Do you find Keurig coffee makers to be over priced machines that do not live up to all the hype?” haha

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Mine just gurgles. And you Keurig haters bite me in the ass. I love mine and the variety of stuff I can make.

jca's avatar

I have a big deluxe one at home. Just gurgles and hisses like others have described. I love the Keurig. I occasionally use it for hot water, too.

At work I have a little mini-sized 4 cup drip maker, which I got half price at a local supermarket for $10. If I didn’t have the Keurig, the 4 cup puppy would be perfect for me at home. Another great coffee maker for home is the Bodum French Press. Coffee is as hot as you want it to be, as strong as you want it to be, and is nice and oily and rich, the way coffee is supposed to be.

kykoko's avatar

OMG, I hear that chant every time I use my keurig… right at the end when the water is purging from the lines. I thought I was the only person who heard this :P

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