Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Why are Gays and same sex marriage such hot topics for non gay people?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23591points) June 29th, 2015

Let them be, and let them have it, seems like there should be a lot more issues that have a great deal more importance than these.
Let it go!

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20 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

You ever suspect it’s their insecurity with their own sexuality?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I point out bad driving and bad driving habits and people tell me don’t get so worked up, you aint going to change anything, really?
People are just going to be idiots.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I am beginning to think that yup.
Just like some morons actually think you can learn to be gay, sorry if you aint gay you aint ever going to be, end of story .
And don’t anyone come back well so and so after 35 years of marriage learned he/she was gay, No Moron so and so just suppressed it for 35 years they were always gay just decided to let it be known after that time.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Or you can turn gay people straight with prayer. Face palm.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well the Religious right would like to think so, but the only thing that can happen is they convince a gay person is to keep it suppressed, and try and lead what they conceive as a normal life.

tinyfaery's avatar

Politicians keep people focused on these issues so they can keep raping and pillaging the country without much resistance.

jaytkay's avatar

Conservatives are upset by nonconformity. They lash out in fear at things that were unfamiliar to them before the age of 5 or 6.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Great answer lets add large corporations to that list as well, keep the joe blow distracted while we walk off with all the nations wealth, oh shit there goes a gay person now better get after them ,then later text it to Facebook.

Pachy's avatar

They live in glass houses but never use Windex.

Aster's avatar

Many heterosexuals dislike gay people. They disapprove of them and wish they’d just evaporate. Thus, gays are hot topics for them. It usually has nothing to do with the non-gays being threatened or insecure with their sexuality. They simply don’t like gay people. And don’t think Christianity has little to do with their attitude.

josie's avatar

I thought it was a hot topic for gay people. Obergefell brought the suit. He’s gay.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I wondered the same thing. ~I’m pretty sure medical science has shown it is not a communicable disease.
The whole thing makes no difference to me. I don’t feel threatened nor uncomfortable. The relationship is between consenting adults. Enjoy!

kritiper's avatar

You don’t see non-gays parading in the streets with wild colors, banners, and slogans.

Judi's avatar

The real answer? They saw divorce become accepted and now it’s commonplace with no stigma attached. When that happened they lost some of their control on society. Now they see Gay people being accepted and they think it too will “infect their churches” and become acceptable.
They think that the world is in moral decay.
They don’t acknowledge that it is on probably a higher moral ground than it has ever been in history.
In the time of Jesus, children were used as sex slaves, both male and female, and that was accepted at the time. As a matter of fact, I believe that when Paul was talking about “an abomination” he was talking about the victimizing of unwilling partners, not consenting loving relationships.
Although there is plenty of sex slavery in our society, it is far from sanctioned by the community as a whole as it was in Biblical times.
Their premise of moral decay may be false, but their fear of losing control is very real. When people stop listening to your hell fire and brimstone, and there is no love left to replace it, you lose your followers, your power and your income base.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Great answer @Judi .

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Judi You’re the best!

bestbroseph's avatar

First my opinion:
Gay people can be gay. That’s all there is to it

Now my view:
You cannot be born gay. Here’s why:
Small children usually have no sexual preference before about the age of 11. But children are impressionable. And children listen, document, and learn from the world around them. Never will I consider someone younger than 12 gay, and that’s a stretch. To find your sexuality you must first learn to truly love new people, and interact and go on dates. And if a 15 year old says he/she is gay and truly has feelings for the same sex, ok. But this is what is messed up. My 7 year old sister said she kissed a girl so she’s gay now. She shouldn’t even have those thoughts. She shouldn’t worry about whether or not she’s gay, she’s still a kid. And also, with all these young teens being gay, what if they aren’t truly gay, but that’s just what they believe because they know nothing else. Because while learning as young kids, gay is normal and you might as well be gay. It’s not normal. At all. Basic biology says that. Bit that doesn’t mean those people shouldn’t have rights. In the end this is just my ramblings about issues that are to complex to fix. But, being gay is a learnt behavior in psychology terms. It is learnt from society. Like I said, nobody is born gay. Please don’t hate on this post of you disagree, I’m very open minded, and this post probably has flaws to be worked out.

bestbroseph's avatar

Oh but adults, go be gay ! You’re adults you do what you want

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