What are some things that someone said to you that you will never forget?
E.G. My old math teacher once said “so there we were… three against 1000….. and those were the toughest three guys we’d ever come against”
Even as a kid I thought that it was brilliant because of the misleading intro.
I also remember more serious things like: carrying a trash can to the curb with the old metal handle hurting my hand and my dad saying simply “tough it out”. I will never forget him saying that and to this day I hear it in my mind when I want to quit something.
What about you? What are some things that you were told that you will never forget (funny or otherwise)?
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37 Answers
Back when I was 21 years old I was living in this horrible crappy apartment for about 6 months.
Fast forward 30 years or thereabouts. I was at my dentist office and the hygenist recognized me! She had lived next door. She asked me if I lived there back then and said she was about 8 to 10 years old and she watched me come home from work everyday with my long blonde hair and beautiful dresses (they were shared clothes with my mom). She wanted to be just like me when she grew up. That was the sweetest thing anyone ever said to me.
All of your emails will be deleted unread.
“You should never have been born.”
my mother, 1984
When I was 11 my uncle, a highly regarded NY Times reporter and columnist whom I was visiting in Brooklyn, read a letter I was writing to my parents and said to me I, “You should be a writer.” I worshiped my uncle “Spizzy” and made up my mind that moment to do what suggested… and that was the first step in my life-long writing career. How I wish I could thank him.
“I only like you as a friend.”
“You can be anything you want if you just put your mind to it.”
Of course, there are the three great lies:
“Trust me.”
“The check is in the mail.”
“I won’t ____ in your mouth.”
Why do you never grow up?
My father, a long time ago.
My father, when I was seven or eight and I was trying to weasel out of manual labor on the farm, and my mother suggested paying me for working: “No god damn son of mine is ever going to get paid for working for me.” Hmmm, best reexamine this idea.
I was swimming in the Bahamas with my girlfriend on spring break. She said, “Don’t freak out, but there are two sharks ten feet away from you.”
“I rikey you! I rub you all night wrong fifty buck”
I told my dad when he had my grandpa’s plug pulled that “I won’t change your diapers when you are old.”
@chyna: Awww. Thank you my dear.
I posted this here a few years ago, but I want to post it again. There was this homeless guy who panhandled near my home in San Franciso. I saw him just about every time I walked out the door. Sometimes I gave him change, and I gave him a nod and a wave whenever we made eye contact. Burnt I didn’t really talk to him or anything.
One day I was walking home from work and I saw him stand up and point to me. He shouted in a loud voice, “You are the true queen of Ireland! I command an army of a thousand who are ready to die for you, so that you may take the throne. And not a SINGLE one of them is a heterosexual white male!”
During summer, when I was 5, I’d been riding my bike up and down the street waiting for my dad to get home from work. I finally saw him pull into our driveway, so I started frantically pedaling to him from the end of the street as quickly as I could because I was excited to see him. I rode up right next to his car just as he was getting out and started getting off my bike to give him a hug, all while saying “Hi, Dad!” with a big smile on my face. When I started walking toward him for the hug he looked down at me, making sure to meet my eyes before speaking, and then said “I wish I never had kids”.
Needless to say, 25 years later, I haven’t forgotten a single detail of that memory or how it made me feel after hearing it.
It won’t hurt, I promise.
It has been said by many. I still remember some vividly.
@DrasticDreamer , Damn!
“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
My high school girlfriend said that I was just like my father (she had never met him since he died 8 years prior). That was pretty much the end of the relationship and we had been together for years. But congrats.. She picked the worst possible thing you could say to me and ran with it.
“You need to come home. Mom just died.”
“I love this! Nicely done.”
That’s what the reporter-writer Tom Wolfe said when I asked to critique a short piece I’d written about attending the March on Washington in 1963. We were both working for the New York Herald Tribune at the same.
When a high school boyfriend was breaking up with me he explained that his taking me out and giving me nice gifts didn’t mean he cared about me; rather I should consider myself “a well paid prostitute.” I was devastated.
^What a dickwad. He didn’t deserve you.
Your old boyfriend and my old girlfriend should hook-up. They could rot in hell together.
Awesome story! To be remembered after all that time says a lot about you.
Who said that?
She really said that? What a dope.
That’s definitely a big one. It’s funny to think how an off hand compliment can alter entire paths in someone’s life. Kinda makes me think about conversations with my kids.
Sounds like you’ve met a lot of horrible people.
What had you just done to warrant him saying that? Or was it something else?
Do you work for him now?
How fast did you swim back to shore lol?
Weird. But also kinda sad.
That’s terrible. I’m sure every parent thinks it at some point..but telling the kids? Yikes.
Yaeah, definitely things are about to hurt when someone says that.
Maybe it was a good thing you found out she was like that early on.
I certainly wouldn’t forget that either.
Wow. What a tosser.
“Eat your salad. It will make your hair curly.” – Dad
(Upon moving out of the parents’ house after college) “I will never show up at your apt. without an invitation or calling in advance. I expect you to do the same.” – Mom
Without a doubt, both times the wife told me she was pregnant.
@Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One My friend who is a woman told me that when I admitted that I lied to her and that I had a crush on her. I also refused to pay $150 foe conciling. I told her on line to f off.
“you’re shit” from my crush…
Years ago when I was wearing a hat and looking good in it, or so I thought, someone I knew commented “You might as well be wearing a gumboot”.
I visited my old high school one lunchtime, not long after I had left, a teacher came up to me and said “_____ _____ , even the name smells.” He gave me an after-school detention which I found highly amusing.
@Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One I did nothing. It was just him who thought that me beginning to argue with him a sign of childishness. To him “grow up” meant listening to him completely, no matter who was right.
@majorrich Hey! That’s what she said to me! (Chiang Mai)
That was one crazy assignment!
“Never try to reason with someone who’s being irrational.”
“It is better to be thought a fool, than speak and remove all doubt” – read it.. but still made me think of shutting up once in a while.
Grumpy One I love that quote, but I think there is some you missed at the beginning. I think it should say “Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool et cetera…
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