Well, I have my family responsibilities, my job responsibilities, and even my Fluther responsibilities, but all of those are equally shared among other people, so I don’t feel like everything would go to hell if I were to drop the ball.
There is an area of my life, though, where I have no such backup. I run a Zen temple. My Zen teacher handed the place over to me a few years ago. I do have some help with the logistical and administrative tasks, but I’m the only one there with teaching authority, for the time being. A lot of what makes the place tick is entirely up to me.
Honestly, I don’t feel that I’m very good at it. Most of the time I struggle with the feeling that my efforts are barely adequate, if that. I find myself wishing that someone would suddenly materialize who could nudge me aside and do this job the way it really ought to be done. But, alas, no such savior appears. So I muddle on as best I can.
Do I learn from negative experiences? Oh, you bet. I see ways that other Zen teachers screw up, and that makes me very, very vigilant about various pitfalls of the job. But mostly I’m painfully aware of my own flubs, and that pain is a powerful stimulus to be more skillful in the future.
There are a couple of folks there who seem to have good potential for teaching eventually, but that would be years down the road. I train them, yes, but the nature of this work is such that they really have to do most of their own training. I can’t do much to expedite the process.
I can’t say that I enjoy doing this, exactly. It constantly pushes me out of my comfort zone, which is actually quite a good thing for me. It’s a job that needs doing, and I just happen to be the guy that’s there to do it.