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Pandora's avatar

Will you ever fly again if you had to fly on these seat?

Asked by Pandora (32445points) July 14th, 2015

I’ve just been informed that airlines are considering going with these seats for coach.
1.Will you stay put in your country and only drive to your destinations nearby. Never to fly again.
2. Pay the outrageous prices for first class that is just a slightly updated version of coach Airplane seats in the 70’s.
3. You rather pay for a cruise.
4. Wherever you can catch a train.
5. You think at this point they should throw a rug on the floor and tell everyone to sit and hold onto near by poles.
6. Create your own horrible solution.
7. You actually don’t mind the horrible seats since you spend all your time standing.
8. You can’t wait to be in the middle of two young women with short skirts and no underwear. Or have someone go face plant right into your crotch.

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29 Answers

bossob's avatar

I decided years ago, my last airplane ride will be on the ride home from burying my last surviving parent. I’ve been disgusted with the state of airline travel for a long time.

stanleybmanly's avatar

This is another reason why I haven’t been on a commercial flight in 10 years. So the planes are going from winged cattle cars to tins of sardines. You who are forced to utilize the things have my sincere sympathy.

zenvelo's avatar

Really though, if they had a bit more cushioning (like a movie theater!), and a way for peopel to get in and out to use teh restroo, they dio provide more shoulder room and more legroom.

And I have to face my fellow passengers on the morning train all the time.

And they are a lot better than these!

elbanditoroso's avatar

Some of us travel frequently for our work – we don’t have the luxury of saying “I can’t fly” or “I’ll never fly again”.

As a very tall person, if this would give me another 4” of legroom, I wouldn’t object.

But as I understand it, this is a concept model, nothing that is going int production any time soon. And the airlines aren’t about to do something so asininely stupid as to make ⅓ of their customers revolt.

Relax, boys and girls.

Pandora's avatar

@zenvelo I can even deal with facing each other but they couldn’t include extra cushioning and arm rest that come down?
But even in a train you may face someone but you aren’t facing each other inches away.

Pandora's avatar

@elbanditoroso Someone must be considering it, if the news got a hold of it.
I also can’t help but feel this would be a safety hazzard. Airlines wouldn’t get so many people paying bottom dollar if they felt the trip was worth it. But you have two options today. The cost of a down payment for a car up to the full payment of a car, to the cost of one month payment of a car. Most people cant afford the full payment or partial payment of a car. So you will go for that 400 or 500 ticket and still feel insulted that you are practically on someones lap. Get rid of those luxury seats that take the space of 2 seats and divide the space and cost between everyone the same. People will be more comfortable and the price will be considered reasonable. To take a two hour flight in Japan in first class cost about 400 dollars. Here in the states, that same first class can cost you 2000 and up. Are they getting cheaper gas?

ragingloli's avatar

In general I do not mind backwards facing seats. I have that in the train every day.
But these seats are complete shit.
First of all they look less comfortable than chairs in a government office’s waiting area.
Second, there is zero leg room.
Third, and this is the biggest sin, if the guy on the window side needs to take a piss or a shit, the other two can not just retract their knees to let the guy through. No, they both have to get up and stand in the hallway, because there is zero space to squeeze through.
Every bus and every train I have ever been on has more legroom and more comfortable seats than this.

Pachy's avatar

Increasingly pricey fares, late or cancelled flights, stale peanuts, rude seat-mates, shrinking carry-on space, security screening and now seats that look like they belong on a Greyhound… tell the truth I don’t need yet another excuse to avoid flying unless I absolutely have to. Plus, the disappearance of Malaysia 370 and the intentional downing by the co-pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525 just about did me in.

bossob's avatar

@Pachy > “Increasingly pricey fares” is one of my beefs.

In the early seventies, I made multiple round trips Seattle to Cleveland. A coach seat was $400. I purchased a ticket for the same route a couple weeks ago, and the basic price was $365.

That $400 adjusted for inflation, in today’s dollars, is over $2400. I just can’t get on board the ‘flying is expensive’ plane.

It’s the free market at work. As long as the public’s number one priority is lowest price, we will continue to be sold a preponderance of crappy merchandise and shoddy service.

Pachy's avatar

@bossob, I take your (price) point, but the places I occasionally fly to are pretty expensive on my budget. Another beef is what feels to me like constantly changing and confusing rules about baggage, time to arrive, security, and much else… plus driving to and parking at the airport is always a hassle.

janbb's avatar

With one son in San Fran and another in Paris, I’m not going to be able to stop flying any time soon. They have me by the short and curlies.

bossob's avatar

At the same time airlines are trying to figure out how to cram more people into the cattle car section of a plane, they’re expanding the luxurious amenities offered to high end business travelers, particularly on international flights.

The divide between the 1% and the rest of us continues to grow.

wsxwh111's avatar

How on earth do I get in the farthest seat..

wsxwh111's avatar

Exactly! @elbanditoroso #4’‘more
6’4’’ here.

josie's avatar

Commercial flying is convenient but in most cases not essential.
Everybody makes their choice.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

When it comes to me tossing clothes wherever I would have to agree it is when I am in a hurry or too lazy to place them in a hamper., I try to be better at that so I know for sure which is clean and which isn’t come laundry day, some clean clothes do not get put away as they should..
There is three ways you can get anything, cheap, well-done, and fast, you can get any two but you never will get all three. If this is the direction jet travel is going, then you have about four options:

• Get tons of leg room at premium prices.
• Get tons of leg room at budget prices (nonexistent)
• Get crammed in for cheap.
• Get crammed in for premium prices (nonexistent so far)

Two of the four options don’t exist, so you have the two that is available. As oppose to lamenting over the options not on the table, if you want arm and leg room pony up the bucks, if you want a Lamborghini don’t expect to pay the price of a Yugo or a Yaris. If you want 1st class accommodations, find some coin in the cushions of the couch and fly 1st class or business class. Would you go to the Four Seasons and think you will pay the same as Motel 6 or the Budget 8?

JLeslie's avatar

If it is a short flight I don’t mind. Less than an hour. It bothers me more that the leg room look extremely tight. That bothers me in general on most flights. I feel it is unsafe in an emergency and my legs cramp up.

I choose the seat flying backwards. In fact, I think all or most should face backwards. It’s safer in a crash. Same on the train I often choose backwards when it’s an option. When you crash you go back into the seat rather than flung forward to hit your head and be cinched by the belt, if you have a belt.

When I flew Space A military flights seats all faced backwards in the places I was on. They aren’t all like that, but mine happened to be.

Pandora's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central I’m not asking for luxury but for what they charge for what was once considered regular seatings is ridiculous. Take the seats from 10 years back, not even 30 years back. Put them in business class and make the price 3 to 5 times the cost. Now make them roomier, enough to lay down and you are paying 10000 or more. Don’t believe me look it up. The prices for wider or normal seats is through the roof and they are trying to cram as many people as possible in the back. Actually many planes are doing away with business class because they probably need to make the weight even out better. Go forward a few more years and you will see the back of the plane will be standing only and seats in the front will probably be like this. However, in european countries that fly here, their planes offer better comfort for only slightly above what we charge. So why are our planes such crap.

Pandora's avatar

@JLeslie I rather space A flights. They actually had arm rests and you were securely strapped in.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pandora I don’t even remember the seatbelts it’s been so long for me. I flew on the really large planes and they would load on 100 ( I really don’t know the exact number) seats. I know my parents have been on smaller planes where the seating was different and even flown commercial space A.

I really do prefer backwards on trains. Trains have no seat belts. If it stops short you are basically a rag doll. Not that they can stop very short, too much weight to stop short.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Pandora Take the seats from 10 years back, not even 30 years back. Put them in business class and make the price 3 to 5 times the cost.
Could be any combo of:
• Pilots union wants more pay for pilots.
• Mechanic’s union want more pay for the mechanics.
• Union for the baggage handlers and screeners want them to be paid more.
• Cities/state charge airlines more rent.
• Greedy insurance companies charge the carriers more because some greedy passengers will try to sue them for every little thing wrong.
• Greedy petro companies raise the price of fuel.

Those could be some reasons.

The prices for wider or normal seats is through the roof and they are trying to cram as many people as possible in the back.
Because they don’t want to pay enough to cover operating cost. So they have to make up the slack in volume as oppose to selling seats to individual fliers.

So why are our planes such crap.
Cheap passengers who don’t want to pay anything and have legroom for days and two pillows with their extra drinks

JLeslie's avatar

I feel the need to inform this thread that I’m very happy to say that the government is investigating some of the big airlines for collusion and price fixing.

If you know me you know I have been disgusted by airline prices out of some of the big hubs, especially Delta, and I almost wrote the federal government for gouging when they were charging no less than $750 round trip for a one hour flight from Memphis to Gulf Port for the two years following hurricane Katrina.

Supposedly, Delta, SW, and one or two others are being accused of price fixing, talking between each other to fix prices, not adding routes to keep flights full (I don’t see how the government can demand a company buy planes or add more routes, even as frustrated as I am) and some other points are being investigated.

johnpowell's avatar

I don’t think they look that bad. I could see the problem on the city bus if they did this. But I barely ever get up on a plane since my doctor heavily medicates me before flights.

Pachy's avatar

As if I needed yet another reason to avoid flying, flights, according to this article, are taking a minute longer, which would seem to lend scientific credence to my complaint, “I don’t think I can bear to be on this plane one minute longer!”

snowberry's avatar

Those seats look horrible. Imagine traveling for hours with next to no padding. And if the flight hits turbulence? You’d arrive with bruises.

And it would be even much worse for anyone with back problems. I’m guessing this thing wouldn’t last long if people started suing the airlines for back problems caused by being forced to sit in such horrible seats.

janbb's avatar

I imagine this might be a prototypical design and the actual seats might be better. (One can only hope.)

JLeslie's avatar

@Pachy And just when they put all the Concords to bed. You would think we would be traveling faster not slower.

Pandora's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Not necessarily true about cheap passengers being the problem. I’ve flown a few times and wanted to reserve and pay the extra money for the extra leg room seats. The following has happened.
Either I was told I have to wait till check in to make arrangements.
or I would book it and they called and canceled flights on me and arranged another flight and either got me the extra leg room for one traveling passenger in the middle because the rest were booked and my my husband had to sit in regular coach.
Or switch the flight an no extra leg room could be found on the flight.
Or booked a flight and all the extra leg room was already booked solid way before coach was even half full. That means that plenty of people are willing to pay the extra amount for more comfort. But with many charging for luggage, and fewer people bringing more than one bag they can charge for, they figure cram many and charge them for the one bag and we make more money.
Also if you look. Some of the airlines that have the best portfolio are the ones with the most complaints. So they can’t say they need to be shitty because they are going broke. They are just shitty because they are greedy and where ever they can save a buck they would. If they could have a robot flying the plans and sell passengers a cold sandwich and drink to take aboard so they don’t have to pay stewardesses or pilots. They would.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m with @Pandora! Greedy and shitty. Like I said some of the big airlines are being investigated for their gouging business practices. One dynamic is true with flying and other industries are they charge outrageous markups for fares and fees that businesses typically pay for. Business class and first class usually is filled with people who have a hell of a lot of money or a business. Businesses just pay out whatever the asking price is and everything is more expensive for all of us. Business class can be 4–5 times the price of coach. How is that justified? 2 seats rather than 3 justifies a 50% increase. Add in more leg room, maybe another 50%. A few more luxuries another 50%. 50% just because. I’m at 200% upcharge, and I’m not sure that is even justified.

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