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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you agree with TV Guides's "Top 50 Television Shows of all Time"?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 16th, 2015

Here is the article.

Are there some you think don’t belong there? What would you put in its place?

1. Seinfeld (NBC)
2. I Love Lucy (CBS)
3. The Honeymooners (CBS)
4. All in the Family (CBS)
5. The Sopranos (HBO)
6. 60 Minutes (CBS)
7. Late Show with David Letterman (CBS)
8. The Simpsons (Fox)
9. The Andy Griffith Show (CBS)
10. Saturday Night Live (NBC)
11. The Mary Tyler Moore Show (CBS)
12. The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (NBC)
13. The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS)
14. Hill Street Blues (NBC)
15. The Ed Sullivan Show (CBS)
16. The Carol Burnett Show (CBS)
17. Today (NBC)
18. Cheers (NBC)
19. thirtysomething (ABC)
20. St. Elsewhere (NBC)
21. Friends (NBC)
22. ER (NBC
23. Nightline (ABC)
24. Law & Order (NBC)
25. M+A+S+H (CBS)
26. The Twilight Zone (CBS)
27. Sesame Street (PBS)
28. The Cosby Show (NBC)
29. Donahue (syndicated)
30. Your Show of Shows (NBC)
31. The Defenders (CBS)
32. An American Family (PBS)
33. Playhouse 90 (CBS)
34. Frasier (NBC)
35. Roseanne (ABC)
36. The Fugitive (ABC)
37. The X-Files (Fox)
38. The Larry Sanders Show (HBO)
39. The Rockford Files (NBC)
40. Gunsmoke (CBS)
41. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (WB/UPN)

42. Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In (NBC)“They’re #1! They’re #1!”

43. Bonanza (NBC)*
44. The Bob Newhart Show (CBS)
45. Twin Peaks (ABC)
46. Star Trek: The Next Generation (syndicated)
47. Rocky and His Friends (ABC)
48. Taxi (ABC/NBC)
49. The Oprah Winfrey Show (syndicated)
50. Bewitched (ABC)

I never “got” Seinfield, Twin Peaks, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and who is Larry Sanders? And I’ve never heard the Show of Shows.
I also think Johnny Carson is closer to #1 than David Letterman.

What do you think?

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31 Answers

DoNotKnow's avatar

Not at all. Where’s Monty Python’s Flying Circus? Chappelle’s Show? Six Feet Under? Breaking Bad? Louie? Arrested Development?

ucme's avatar

Where the fuck is Starsky & Hutch, Dukes of Hazzard, Roots & Family Guy.

Pachy's avatar

“Best of something” lists like this, let alone ones that rank the something, are soooo subjective. What one consider best or even just plain good depends on many factors including age and personal taste. I see many shows on this list that I certainly would consider among the best, but many others that I’ve loved over the years are absent—far too many others for my poor aging brain to remember.

ragingloli's avatar

TNG at 46, no Deep Space 9, no TOS, no Babylon 5, no Farscape, no House, no Doctor Who, no Married With Children, and not even a single anime.
This list is shit.

rockfan's avatar

@ucme Personally, I think Dukes of Hazard is one of the worst shows ever made, it belongs in the top 50 worst.

rockfan's avatar

I’m a massive fan of Seinfeld, but I don’t think it should be number one at all. And I don’t think SNL should be on there if the list is calling these shows “the best”. Same thing with Bewitched, The Honeymooners and I Love Lucy.

I would replace some of those shows with Freaks and Geeks and Batman: The Animated Series

ucme's avatar

@rockfan Of course it was shit, that was the whole point, to laugh at it rather than with it.
Still, glad you got that off your chest.

rockfan's avatar

@ucme Well if it was shit, then you shouldn’t be surprised that it’s not on the list lol. I’m actually quite surprised that Little House on the Prairie and The Waltons aren’t on there

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s tough to argue with the choices, even though I didn’t care for several of the programs, and would of course differ on their order of significance. Your Show of Shows began it all for comedy variety shows. I was 4 years old and television was so primitive that there were 3 television stations that didn’t begin broadcast til 1 in the afternoon and shut down at 11 pm. And that was ALL there was. Your Show of Shows was the template for such copies as The Carol Burnett Show and such, and even as a little kid, I preferred it to Howdy Doodie or Kookla Fran & Ollie. The ensemble regulars included Sid Caesar, Imogene Coca, Carl Reiner, and Howard Morris. And it was a crowd of absolute comedic genius. If you haven’t seen The Larry Sanders show you’ve been cheated. It’s a spoof of late nite TV shows and follows the behind the scenes as well as onstage presence of the flawed star and others. It’s both brilliant and funnier than shit.

rockfan's avatar

@stanleybmanly I watched The Larry Sanders Show for the first time last week and absolutely loved it, it was the episode that guest starred Gene Siskel

rockfan's avatar

Just realized that list was created in 2002, no wonder shows such as Breaking Bad are not on here.

tinyfaery's avatar

Buffy should be higher.

ucme's avatar

@rockfan But most of the list is shit, Seinfeld is fucking dreadful.
Oh & I never said I was surprised, that’s you putting words into my mouth, shit shows become cult classics.

rockfan's avatar

Your tone sounded very surprised, especially because you used the F word.

Are you saying that Seinfeld is a cult show? Definitely not a cult TV show in my opinion.

Berserker's avatar

Of course everyone is going to judge this list based on whether or not their fave shit is in it haha.
xena goddamn
But I agree that Married with Children should be here, that is, if we’re talking about what was revolutionary and shit. I don’t even watch it much, but seems to me that it was a pretty big thing when it comes to bringing something new to the screen, plus it went on forever. I don’t know though, if so, Soap should be there, but that was crap.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I watched a few episodes of Seinfeld. I never “got” it. Couldn’t figure out what all the fuss was.

rockfan's avatar

@Dutchess_III Season 1 and 2 are pretty dreadful. But I think the series really picks up at the end of season 3. Have you seen “The Outing” episode?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve only seen a portion of one episode. Have no idea which one. Except I do know “THE DINGO ATE YOW BAYBE!!” I know that. Because I’ve heard it so much.

ucme's avatar

@rockfan No, I clearly indicated that DoH can be argued as a cult classic, you seem to read a lot of stuff the wrong way lol

rockfan's avatar

@ucme You were being kind of vague, so I assumed you were lumping Seinfeld into the group of “cult TV shows that suck”.

ucme's avatar

I really wasn’t, but we move on.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@ucme There’s something about Seinfeld. When the show was sweeping the ratings here, I would catch glimpses of it and concluded it was the most pointless thing I’d ever seen. It was when the series was well into reruns, and it fell to me to babysit a friend’s kids for 4 hours a night for a week, that I was forced to watch some episodes, and changed my opinion.

ucme's avatar

@stanleybmanly Does nothing for me, neither does The Simpsons or the vast majority of shows on that list. I think my fave all time US show is Roots, excellent television.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, Roots was a mini series.

I have a feeling that would happen to me too, @stanleybmanly, but I just don’t have the desire to try.

ucme's avatar

Well, how fucking pedantic was that?
Brought absolutely nothing to the conversation at all.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It was not pedantic. Your answer had nothing to do with the question, which was about television shoes, IE: TV series that went on for seasons. Not short mini series.

But, since this is social, I’ll throw in that I thought The Thornbirds and Shogun were pretty awesome mini-series, too. But they don’t belong on the list.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It seems all of the mini series were left off the list. Roots should be there and so should Ken Burns’ Civil War.

ibstubro's avatar

Just so you know just how subjective this TV guide list is.

Captain Kangaroo didn’t make either list.

If “The Good Wife” is still running and on the list, WTH is Ellen??

DoNotKnow's avatar

Ok. I know this is from 2002 and taste in entertainment is subjective, but…the lack of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood on this list is criminal.

ucme's avatar

Television shoes? Haha, you can’t even make an arrogant point correctly.
I know it was a mini series, you’re telling me nothing except you’re extremely pedantic & uneccessarily awkward, nothing new there then.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They specified “shows” because they were referring to series that go on and on for season after season. I’m betting they probably came up with their list based on the Nielsen ratings, year after year. Mini Series would drop out of the Nielsen ratings as soon as the Mini series was over, which is 3 to 5 days.

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