Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

What do you think about this hypothesis about the Disney movie "Beauty and the Beast"?

Asked by ragingloli (52410points) July 17th, 2015
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7 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Two points.

It’s plausible. As plausible as anything else that anyone writes about Disney films. For years there have been many articles that look for hidden meanings and symbols in Disney classics, so this cannot be dismissed out of hand.

But even if it is a Disney-esque exploration of royal psychology, so what? Kids watch the movie for the songs and simplistic plot. Only an adult would go searching for these sort of deeper messages.

That’s one of the reasons that I disliked my English lit classes so vehemently. The teacher would take a perfectly decent story or book, and analyze the crap out of it. Essentially she tried to impute meaning onto the story that the author didn’t every intend. I remember reading Faulkner’s The Bear in 12th grade English and thinking – Faulkner wrote a simply novella, and Mrs. <teacher> has gone way off the deep end.

So, @ragingloli back to your question. It’s plausible, there is some logic to it. So what.

kritiper's avatar

Of course, the story itself is a very old one, sans Disney. Like @elbanditoroso said: “As plausible as anything else…” when you figure in human and royal psychology. And over-analyzation after the fact, which is easy to do if you love the story so much and wish to see more than what the author really had in mind at the time it was written.

stanleybmanly's avatar

That was fun, and the guy caught Disney with his pants down. Bravo!

janbb's avatar

Far too pat and hipster immature for me but it doesn’t really bother me.

Haleth's avatar

Their whole argument rests on one line from a song, and the prince appears as a young man in the intro.

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