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elbanditoroso's avatar

If you believe that Jade Helm 15 is really about taking over Texas, can you tell me what you think the government's goal (or rationale) would be?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33704points) July 17th, 2015

Texas is going nuts about a supposed military take over under the guise of this Jade Helm military exercise.

For the sake of argument, let’s say that there was something to it. Hypothetically, assume that the government has the real intention of taking Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Utah, etc.

What’s the rationale? What would the government accomplish by doing this? What’s the goal that they would achieve?

How could 1200 special forces people take over 10 states?

What would the government do with these states after they took them over?

To me, this whole Jade Helm thing is an invented threat that the right wing crazies invented because they were bored and drunk.

But for those who think it’s real, I’d love to hear you answer my questions.

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8 Answers

josie's avatar

You granted the question for sake of argument, by making it a hypothetical.

But in the end you invited only those who think it is real to answer, after you labeled such folks right wing crazies.

I sure don’t think its real, but I definitely would be crazy to play along with the hypothetical at that point. Too bad. It might have been fun.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@josie ‘s point is well taken. Fluther is not the place to expect a defense for a theory that in less hospitable and “tolerant” places than Texas would be grounds for commitment to a psychiatric ward where believers could be “held for observation”.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The greater question for me is how is it possible to concentrate so many “believers” in these places? I mean is there some sort of whack-job tipping point? I don’t believe I know anyone who harbors such beliefs, or at least will admit to harboring such beliefs. It’s the equivalent of all of these endless predictions on the end of the world. What becomes of all of these folks when the sun comes up the next morning, or the military exercise ends and everyone goes home. I have my own conspiracy theory. Perhaps all of this nonsense is stirred up deliberately to distract us from genuine issues worthy of consideration.

AlaskaTundrea's avatar

I’m confused. These states are already part of the US. So, the conspiracy theorists are convinced the US is invading the, uh, US?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think they’re going to completely take over the state so they can seize ALL the guns and ALL the Confederate flag stuff.
The government has its priorities straight.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Dutchess_III – OK, but what does that accomplish? That’s my question. If the government has all the flags, what does that do?

Dutchess_III's avatar

They never think that far, @elbanditoroso. They never ask themselves what possible purpose would it serve. That would totally mess up their conspiracy theories, which they need in order to feel relevant.

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