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talljasperman's avatar

How can I make the real world livable when compared to my online life? (Details inside )

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) July 18th, 2015

I go for walks with groups and I prefer to stay indoors and watch TV and youtube. What is better than lying prone all day online? I don’t have a job or a girlfriend. I am turning 38 on the 28th of July. On that day I am taking an art course.

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5 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

Or how do I make my online life better and functional?

DoNotKnow's avatar

Listen for that internal pull to watch TV or youtube. When you hear it, note it and go for a walk instead. Exercise – regardless of your situation – will always be the better choice. It will make you feel better emotionally and physically.

It also sounds like you’re onto something with the art class. Get out there and do the stuff you’re interested in. Note: If your interests are TV and youtube, shelve those for now. Find stuff you really enjoy. Do you like walking in nature? Birding?

I would also recommend volunteering. Is there a soup kitchen or shelter in your town that you can get to? They often need help. What about a trails committee? Volunteering will give you purpose, get you out of the house, and you’ll probably meet people.

Remember – TV and youtube are to be avoided. In fact, it sometimes helps to listen for those strongest desires just to find out what to avoid. Shake things up.

talljasperman's avatar

@DoNotKnow I don’t want to lose the good stuff. Just to make the real world better. I just ordered the news channel package. CNN and the like.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Commit to engaging with the “real” world.

Here2_4's avatar

Go to a park, or diner, or other public place where you can simply sit and observe. Imagine the best video game to apply to what you see around you, then play it off in your head. Centipede might be a good one for the subway, for instance. When you get home, close your eyes, and try to picture as many of the real people you saw as you can in your head. Soon these places will become more and more personal for you. You might even find you can strike conversations with people, especially if you keep going back to the same places, and see some of the same people return.
WARNING – don’t imagine killing type games. That would really suck.

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