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mazingerz88's avatar

Which do you think is the best country to live in in these present times?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) July 19th, 2015

You may not want to leave from where you are or maybe you are seriously thinking of moving there but which country right now is the best place to live in?

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21 Answers

janbb's avatar

New Zealand

talljasperman's avatar

Antarctica ( you can be left alone) . Or Canada.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Italy, Paris

josie's avatar

I’m a little out of fashion these days. I still like the USA.

ucme's avatar

Virgin Islands, you can’t fuck with them.

ragingloli's avatar

Germany greatest country in the world. All other countries are run by little girls.

janbb's avatar

@ragingloli And yours is run by a big girl!

talljasperman's avatar

What’s the danger from having German pride? Every 35 years ~

ucme's avatar

Angela Merkel is not a girl, rather a bison in a trouser suit.

Jaxk's avatar

I have to go with @josie . Even with all our problems I would rather live in the USA than anywhere else on earth. And luckily I already speak the language.

talljasperman's avatar

Texas seem appealing… good beef steaks. Like Alberta. Cows wheat and oil.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I will take Canada. Thanks.

bossob's avatar

All countries have issues. I’ll stay in the U.S. where it’s my patriotic duty to bitch and complain that improvements should be made.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

A wise Fluther member once said that she loathes questions that ask for ‘the best’; it is subjective. I understand her point.

So, just to clarify, does the question mean which country is the best to live in or which country would be the best to live in as an individual? If it is the former, there are several lists out on the internet that rank the “best” countries to live in, but the reasons vary to a point where it is an ‘apples to oranges’ comparison.

Pachy's avatar

The country I’m in right now—good ol’ U.S. of A. Just maybe not the state of Texas.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Vietnam, because I’m so used to the pros and cons here that I can endure most situation.

Coloma's avatar

A deserted tropical island, off the coast of Tonga.

cazzie's avatar

I’m another one for New Zealand. I lived there for 15 years and I was never out of work for longer than a few weeks. The place is full of possibilities and people allowing others to succeed by giving them a chance. They weren’t all bogged down with paperwork and bureaucratic structures and impossible tax codes or long lists of permits for things.

sahID's avatar

@Coloma Best suggestion yet.

As far as established countries, I would split for either the Tuscany region of Italy or France north of Paris but south of Le Havre. (The Normandy region, where some of my paternal ancestors once lived.)

Berserker's avatar

I’m fine here in Canada even if our prime minister is a fucking Nazi of the highest order.

But otherwise it would be Sweden. As far as quality of life goes over there, it can’t be beat. Seems rare, but Swedish government actually seems to give a fuck about its people.

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