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JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

What would you use teleportation for?

Asked by JeSuisRickSpringfield (8608points) July 19th, 2015

Teleportation could solve a lot of problems. If there was some reliable way to teleport yourself from place to place, what would you use it for the most?

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19 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

Definitely to work and home back and forth : )

janbb's avatar

To go see my sons who are each 3,000 miles away in opposite directions.

longgone's avatar

It would make walking home in the dark obsolete, and I would love that.

talljasperman's avatar

Space travel.

ucme's avatar

I’d go back in time, just enough to make the Amish look like modern thinkers.
That’ll fuck them buggers up :D

syz's avatar

To travel the world.

talljasperman's avatar

~(NSFW ) so I don’t have to go to the washroom. Teleporter cathader.

Jaxk's avatar

It certainly would have saved El Chapo a lot of time and money. Without all the security at airports maybe a little travel wouldn’t be so bad. Another trip to Hawaii and Australia could be fun about now. I’d still pass on going to the middle east however.

Here2_4's avatar

Seeing places I have so far only wished to visit.

ragingloli's avatar

Bank robberies, instant abductions, perfect murders and assassinations, untraceable terror attacks, the possibilities are endless!

tinyfaery's avatar

Whenever I need a nap
I’d just pop home.

ragingloli's avatar

Think of the economical implications.
The entire transport industry would collapse almost over night.
You would no longer need cargo ships, tankers, trains, buses, trucks, cars, cargo and passenger aeroplanes.

Judi's avatar

To see the grand babies in Scotland more often.

Here2_4's avatar

I should think there would still be some transport locations, equipment required, @ragingloli.

Pachy's avatar

I’d use it to move my laundry basket downstairs to my washing machine every Sunday.

rockfan's avatar

I’d rather have invisibility

Mimishu1995's avatar

To teleport me back and forth from my bed to any place I want.

Because I’m too lazy to leave bed ~

dumitus's avatar

I wouldn’t use that tech because I doubt its reliability and I fear the one who gets there through teleportation tech might not be real me. It could be new me. I think I would fear that.

Unbroken's avatar

Well for myself all the travel I have to do on a plane. I used to enjoy flying once upon a time.

But I think if tech made teleportation possible it’s could be used to help out needy countries with supplies. For the military it would be a coup. But also it would be just dandy for natural disaster areas. Or even manmade disasters. The possible positive applications are almost endless.

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