Social Question

Isn’t the truth hard to swallow when it is an ugly truth?
There is that famous exchange in A Few Good men where Col. Jessep told Kaffee he could not handle the truth. Isn’t that true in some cases, especially when the truth is ugly? In a Google search this link came up, the title seemed interesting so I clicked on. I was a bit perplexed as the title did not seem to have anything to do with the body of the text. I also did not see any correlation the images with the text had to do with the text. If it was about general sexploitation of females or teens I guess it would have made sense. The images were of obvious girls and some were clearly women. One of the pics of one that looked like a teen or younger had a Website posted on the pic. Out of curiosity I Googled Bobbie Model to see if anything came up as the piece was about two years old. Surely enough, the girl has a supposed model site; it is basically the 1st link that comes up. It is changed to .net now, and the Google image strip was all her. Here is the hard truth of it. Off the splash page you see her not in couture but heels, minis, bikinis, etc. in what you would call pinup poses. That leads to some interesting questions. Since her photos under Google age progress, she must have been at it awhile.
• Since she likely cannot put together a slick Webpage like that on her own, who is helping her?
• If the parents don’t know what photos of their girl out there on the Net and being charged a viewing fee for, why don’t they?
• If the girl thought she was going to be a runway model by her involvement, is she that clueless not to wonder why she is in undies, minis, and such with nary a gown in sight?
• Just for argument, if membership to the site to see the full gallery is $30 (just to have a number to work with), and there are 1,000 paid members, that is $35,000 in revenue generated a month, how much is she getting?
• If she is getting a hunk to spend on whatever, is that the only motivation for her to do it so long?
• The fact that the site is up (and presuming making money) are they selling to a small number of the population or a larger portion that just hide their appetite behind their user account?
• Are the parents better or worse for providing the eye-candy to those with that particular appetite?
Those are just a few questions that might have interesting answers, there are undeniable facts that adults are part of the process and enriching their pockets doing so, certainly some answers people don’t want to believe because they are hard answers and to some the results are ugly. But fact is, she is not the only one doing it, and she can’t do it without adult involvement. In the end, even though she might see a lot of that money, what message is she being taught that she doesn’t have to be smart; she just has to be titillating?