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Dutchess_III's avatar

If you HAD to experience one or the other, would you prefer an earthquake or a tornado?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47197points) July 20th, 2015

We just had another “small” earthquake. Nothing falls off the furniture or anything, but it’s spooky as hell when the house just twists and shudders without warning.
Give me a tornado any day. I can tell, just by stepping outside, if there is probably going to be a tornado sometime in the next few hours and I at least have some place to go if I HAVE to.

Ah ah, Kansas.

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51 Answers

Berserker's avatar

Well, the tornado. If everything is going to be destroyed, it might as well look cool while it’s happening. Having said that, if a tornado happened and I experienced it I would probably totally forget that it’s cool while I was busy shitting in my knickers.

talljasperman's avatar

Can I have both at the same time?

ragingloli's avatar

You can destroy a tornado with a barrage of microwaves, so I choose that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You wouldn’t want both at the same time, @talljasperman. In a tornado you head to the basement for shelter.
In an earthquake, the basement would be the worst place you could be.

zenvelo's avatar

Earthquake. I have been through a few, even Loma Prieta was mostly an inconvenience.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I will go for the earthquake, hadn’t had one around here that really did anything since 1989 or so. Even then most houses made it through with no ill effects. To have to worry every year if I will have a house or a pile of rubble because of a tornado, no thanks.

Here2_4's avatar

If I must face relocation, I prefer the next county to the Earth’s core. Tornado gets my vote.

talljasperman's avatar

I choose tornado. At least with a tornado I can have some warning.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Symbeline Having said that, if a tornado happened and I experienced it I would probably totally forget that it’s cool while I was busy shitting in my knickers.
And you can have the wind blow it right back on your head LOL LOL LOL Or you might be ale to catch a roll of t-paper blowing from your neighbor’s house to have a reach around. LOL

Dutchess_III's avatar

We, in Kansas, really don’t worry about tornadoes, @Hypocrisy_Central.

Berserker's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Lol. Yeah, it might all work out in the end. Or maybe a clean pair of panties will fly by, who knows haha.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ _Or maybe a clean pair of panties will fly by, _
Well…...they might have dropped a larger load than you in those flying undies, or they might be clean thongs, either way, not what you would expect to find Hee hee hee

cheebdragon's avatar

Earthquakes happen everyday.

gorillapaws's avatar

Earthquake. I’ve been through my share. I was at game 3 of the World Series in ‘89, a decent sized one in Hiroshima in the late 90’s and recently one here in VA a couple of years ago. With the dozens of big trees around my house I’m much more worried about one of them crushing my house in high winds than an earthquake.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m referring to dangerous ones, @cheebdragon.

As far as happening every day, well, it’s a relatively new phenomenon for Kansas, earthquakes that you can actually feel. It’s only been happening in the past couple of years, due to fracking in Oklahoma.

@gorillapaws couldn’t an earthquake topple a tree?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Can I just opt to be shot? Hurricanes flood you out and that really sucks. There’s nothing you’re going to do against rising water. But if you’re in the direct path of a tornado, it’s going to destroy everything in it’s path.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No you can’t opt to be shot!

Berserker's avatar

What if the twister catches a bullet, and then it flies really fast in the wind, and hits some dude in the forehead? Doth that count?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline Laughs, that would so ironically funny that I would laugh all the way down to the floor. Just remember my organ donor card.

Berserker's avatar

Lol. My guess is that when people die in tornadoes, it’s usually because they get hit by something or something falls/flies in/on them. And if you actually get stuck in the winds and fly around, if that’s how that works…you probably get hit by a bunch of shit that’s already in the tornado. Death by cow ass!

Pachy's avatar

Impossible for me to choose. I was in a minor shaker once and that almost gave me a heart attack. I’ve never been IN a twister but, having grown up in tornado alley, I’ve been close to them and have a recurring nightmare about one headed toward me. I’ll settle for sunny weather.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline Death by cow ass, LMAO. About 10 years ago we had a series of tornados go through. A farmer in the next county kept hearing some thumps. He looked out and some of his young cattle were flying through the air and bouncing off his house. They all survived. But to lift a 500 or 600 lb cow in the air?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Fly with the frogs? What lofty ideals you have @Here2_4!

Judi's avatar

Earthquake any day.

tinyfaery's avatar

Tornados you can hide from. When the earth is moving there is no place to go. Plus, tornados can be monitored. Earthquakes come out of no where.

JLeslie's avatar

Probably a tornado. It would depend on how severe the earthquake and how severe the tornado would be and if I can get to a relatively safe place.

My SIL says she prefers earthquakes to hurricanes and she has been through both. I think I’d take the hurricane. All sorts of warning. She hates the waiting period before the hurricane and the waiting during. She says an earthquake just happens and it’s over. Tornadoes are quick like that. A little warning I guess. I had a tornado shelter in TN so I felt safe underground.

Kardamom's avatar

I’ve felt the earth move a few times, heh heh.

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

Can I choose a sharknado?

Here2_4's avatar

So long as it doesn’t have frogs in it. I called dibs on frogs.

tinyfaery's avatar

I think anyone who has felt a sizeable earthquake would choose anything else.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The ones we have aren’t “sizable,” but it sways the house and makes me stumble and it’s really scary, because something else is in control. It’s icky.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Definately a tornado. They are fairly common in the general area twice a year, so there is a warning system that is tested weekly. While the house doesn’t have a basement, it’s brick facade and has a windowless bathroom in an ideal location for shelter. Or, I could sit in the car in the garage which might be even safer. Plus, I have insurance for it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Garages are not a good place to shelter for a tornado, the doors blow out faster than windows in the house. Underground is the best !

Dutchess_III's avatar

If the bathroom is small, it might be OK. I get sick thinking of being above ground at all in a real tornado.

Here2_4's avatar

Yeah. In a tornado it matters little how sturdy the structure. The trick of it is, “How low can ya go?”
We got cows.

keobooks's avatar

I’d pick either, and be thankful it wasn’t a hurricane. I grew up in Indiana, where there were tornadoes all the time. Then I moved to San Francisco, and had tremors and earthquakes. Before I moved to Florida, I thought a Hurricane was no worse than a big tornado. I had NO clue how massively awful that was. I’d take either or both over a hurricane any day.

JLeslie's avatar

@keobooks But hurricanes you have tons of warning. I prefer hurricane FL to tornado alley. A hurricane 5 is like a tornado 3. Tornadoes happen for throughout tornado season pretty much every year. I’ve only had one really bad hurricane year in FL where we had 4 in one season. Most years we have zero in the location the person happens to live.

Although, tornadoes do wreak havoc in a very specific area, while hurricanes tear up things for miles and miles, usually a few counties wide. If a hurricane is coming you have a good chance of suffering in some way, while a tornado will most likely miss your house. Although, I suffered every tornado season in Memphis with the news station interrupting my TV shows for hours talking about a storm approaching! It really pissed me off and it was stupid.

Still, deaths by hurricanes compared to deaths by tornadoes; tornadoes are scary shit. One little tornado and 50 people might die. Massive hurricane 5 Andrew killed about 50, and that total was very high compared to hurricanes after that. Hurricane Katrina was unique because the damn broke and the Governor and President not doing enough in the aftermath causing over a thousand to die.

Dutchess_III's avatar

When I was a kid in Florida we had to evacuate because of a hurricane. I thought it was a great adventure.

cheebdragon's avatar

I’m always a little disappointed when I miss an earthquake. “Why do the good ones always happen everywhere else?”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, don’t be too disappointed. We have to repair a thousand cracks in the walls of our house, probably only to have them reappear within a year.
This is all because of fracking. Why can’t we hold the people responsible for the fracking, responsible for making repairs to our house, especially since we want to sell it?

keobooks's avatar

I don’t care about the stats of a hurricane vs a tornado. I’m just saying I’ve been through both and the hurricane was more terrible for me. I was there too when 4 hit in a year. That’s why I moved away. That and the palmetto bugs.

JLeslie's avatar

I know someone else who moved here that year and they were horrified. The palmetto bugs are a definite negative.

keobooks's avatar

That was the year I moved here too.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I forgot about Sharknado last night, I’m so bummed.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m naming my next kid Sharknado.

Here2_4's avatar

I would prefer my friendlier frognado.

Qav's avatar

I would go for what I am most used to—an earthquake. The worst one I was in was about a 6.5 or so in 1954, but I’ve been in a lot more. I had lived in tornado country for decades but never got used to them.

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