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elbanditoroso's avatar

Is the type of cellphone a politician uses indicative of how he/she would govern?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33460points) July 22nd, 2015

Don’t laugh. This is a serious question.

Yesterday, the news reported that Lindsey Graham (US Senator) uses a previous generation flip phone, not a smartphone. Which sort of matches his detached, conservative demeanor.

The news also reported that Jeb Bush uses an iPhone, which puts him in the Apple ecosphere – safe, not creative, high-end, not inclined to experiment with new things. Again, sort of fits his personality.

I’d really like to know if any of the republican candidates carry Androids as opposed to iPhones.

I think that Android users are more likely to be rule-breakers and iconoclasts, and that iPhone users are more likely to go with the flow, politically.

To what degree does the politician’s choice of phone reflect their outlook?

Would you vote for a politician who didn’t carry the same phone type you do?

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