More than once.
For years, from my mid to late 20’s, I had chronic GYN related pain. Some days I cried in my office I was uncomfortable and so sad from it.
After a bad golf cart accident, black and blue all over, having some vertigo, and recovered from a small lung tear after a few days in the hospital, I travelled eight hours to get home. Halfway I had to go to urgent care, because the hospital had not sewn a deep cut up that should have been stitched. We spent the night in that town, and the next day finished the last 4 hours. I couldn’t even go to the bathroom myself, because of the vertigo and discomfort I was in. My husband was literally coming into the women’s room during the trip home to help me walk. If I had said I wanted to spend a few more days in a hotel before the long drive home my husband would have obliged, but I toughed it out instead. I wanted to be home, so it’s not like he was pushing me to make the trip, but I also felt badly that he was missing work, the money, all of it. Really bad time. He had to miss going into work a few or several days anyway (I actually am not sure how many, it’s a blur for me) because I could not be alone, but he worked a little from the house. After that he went to work a few hours in the middle of the day. Once my vertigo seemed to be less of a concern (although it persisted for over a year in certain positions) I tried to help where I could in the house in terms of cooking, even though I was still in a lot of pain. Neighbors brought food sometimes, which helped out tremendously. We hired a cleaning woman to help clean eventually. I was lucky not to be working at the time. Probably, if I had been, I would have gone back to work while still in quite a bit of discomfort if it was an office job. Although, I didn’t drive for 6 weeks after the accident, so I’m not sure how that would have played out. Still to this day I have necks and shoulder pain daily from that accident, which happened three years ago.
I had a back injury that lasted about 9 months. Back brace, only allowed to wear flat shoes, sometimes the pain was so bad I would sit in my office hunched over, basically immobilized at times from the pain. I still worked every day. I was working retail, which you wind up standing a lot, and all too often lifting what you shouldn’t, and you have to smile in front of the public. It was really miserable.
Today I am going to go to work sick. Just a cold, I have done that more than once in my life. Yesterday I felt it coming on and asked my boss if he wanted me to stay home (I work in his house where he has 4 young children, although yesterday they were gone for the day) and he looked at me like I was trying to get out of work (it is true I’d like to work less, but I am the only one who does my work, so if I miss work today, I am the one who has to make it up). Alrighty then, I’ll go to work. If I were him I would tell me to stay home during the most contagious time.
When I was a young teen I used to go to school after having my braces tightened. Sore mouth, could barely eat, there I was still sitting in class.
What city do you live in?