Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

What is the cinema audience behaviour that you find the most infuriating?

Asked by ragingloli (52381points) July 30th, 2015

For me it is when the movie has already started, and some are late, and cover ¾ of the screen with their enlarged heads.
Sit your arse down already!

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27 Answers

anniereborn's avatar

talking during the movie! GAH

Mimishu1995's avatar

I usually choose the higher seat so I don’t have much problem with people covering the screen. And I’m too engrossed in the movie to care for any noise. But if I sit next to someone and I constantly have to hear they reveal what the next scene will be like, they can go to hell!

DoNotKnow's avatar

I am a bit confused about the idea of watching a movie in a theater. First of all, I don’t do it much at all – primarily because I have kids and also can’t justify the cost. But also, I’m not sure about the whole exercise. We surround ourselves with people to engage in one of the most unsocial of activities.

When I watch a movie, I need to eliminate all distractions and really lose myself in the world of the movie. For that reason, I find it challenging to sit around with tons of other people who may be coughing, laughing, commenting, crunching on popcorn, or anything else that serves as a reminder that I’m watching a movie, which greatly diminishes my experience.

Note: My friends and I used to run a second-run movie theater in high school. We were the managers and projectionists, and I still have a great association with the concept. But in practice, it seems ridiculous. If I want to lose myself in a movie, ideally I could lock myself in a soundproof room.

Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One's avatar

The giggling and laughing during a serious movie. Teenagers should find a different spot to make out. (gahd I sound old now)

JLeslie's avatar

Leaving all their trash behind.

Pachy's avatar

People talking at the top of their voices, as if they were in their own den or living room. I’m ancient enough to have been taught by my parents to whisper in a movie theater or stage play.

jca's avatar

I usually sit as far in front as possible without being right up front. Maybe row 3 or 4 – so I have as few people in front of me as possible.

Hearing people rustle candy wrappers is very annoying. Kids kicking the back of the seat or adults pushing on the back of the seat with their feet is annoying. Of course, talking and cell phone watching is annoying. Luckily there’s a reminder before the movies start, reminding people not to use the cell phone.

janbb's avatar

@DoNotKnow most movies still are much more compelling when seen on the big screen although I also enjoy curling up with a good movie on a cold winter’s night.

For me it is both people coming in late and talking about where to sit and people who talk during the movie.

filmfann's avatar

Loud talking
Cell phones
Talking back to the screen (when in a theater)

Berserker's avatar

I hate it when the people behind me are fidgety and always bump my seat with their feet during the whole picture. This, for some reason, happens to me too often.

Pachy's avatar

To expand a bit on my previous comment, I want to say that anything that removes me from total immersion in a film, even for an instant, is anathema to me. That includes, besides the aforementioned loud talking, candy wrapper rattling, cellphone screens or ringing, inappropriate laughter, sound bleeding in from an adjoining theater, a crying baby, a too jam-packed theater, late arrivers and early departers, plot spoiler-ers, and any type of interruption originating in the projection booth. I also dislike the high prices, often uncomfortable seats and lack of legroom. I used to LOVE going out to movies and I still do go when it’s a film I really want to see, especially on a day or time when there’s a small audience. But more and more I prefer streaming at home.

keobooks's avatar

I will take a parents side for just a moment. I kinda hate when adults get a kinds of angry when they go to a movie specifically for little kids and don’t seem to get that no matter how well behaved they are, they will still be a little bit more noisy than a group of adults. That’s just how it is

jca's avatar

Lately, the theaters I’ve been to have a lot of leg room, almost like an entire aisle for each row of seats, @Pachy.

ucme's avatar

People who are afraid of the dark, crowded spaces, flashing images & Doritos :D

Brian1946's avatar

When I go to an adults-only movie, I don’t need “theater employees” blocking my view of the screen with their breasts and asking me if I’m looking for a good time.

They should have the decency to ask me that when I’m waiting in line to buy a ticket!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

People talking or worse, using their phones during a film. Drives me nuts.

flutherother's avatar

People squeezing by to go to the toilet.

Pachy's avatar

Yes, @jca, but I’m a pachyderm, remember? ’-)

rockfan's avatar

People eating popcorn with their mouths open. I didn’t pay ten dollars to hear people crunching on popcorn right behind me. Some people behave as if it takes a great amount of effort to eat with their mouths closed.

This is a funny rant.

Blueroses's avatar

All of the above behaviors and the expense made me quit multiplex theaters years ago.
“May I entice you into a tiny, smelly room with sound-bleed walls and sticky floors for the equivalent of a half-day’s pay? Popcorn diarrhea and pneumatic plague are included!”

If I absolutely MUST see a film release on a large screen, I’ll go to the Drive-in if it’s not a full moon or spend the extra bucks for the BIG-D theater which has reclining seats and no infants. Adults who pay premium prices reserve the right to soundly THUMP the head of any obnoxious audience member.

ibstubro's avatar

Hearing another movie through the wall should be grounds for a refund.

jca's avatar

One time I was in a theater seat and because it got very crowded, a man had to sit right next to me. He was eating popcorn one by one, and licking his fingers. Every now and then, he’d wipe his buttery fingers on his shirt. It was very disgusting and he was eating the small bag of popcorn very slowly. I seriously contemplated whether or not I would get arrested if I grabbed the bag, threw it and said “You’re done.” I decided since I wasn’t sure, I’d better not.

anniereborn's avatar

I tend to go on off times when there are very few people around. I still love the experience of the big screen.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

All of the above. People who bring babies to movies might piss me off more than anyone, though. Not just because they’re likely to cry, but also because it has to hurt their ears horribly. The only time I’ll even consider watching a movie in a theater anymore is if I go to Cinetopia. Huge aisles, really comfortable seats with footstools, etc. However, I’m just more likely to wait until I can watch something at home these days.

Brian1946's avatar

All of the above? It’s nice to know I’m not the only one that’s been propositioned by a pushy hooker in a porno theater. ;-o

filmfann's avatar

The people who start shooting audience members are annoying too.

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