General Question

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

Have you ever participated in a witch-hunt?

Asked by dammitjanetfromvegas (4601points) August 3rd, 2015

Witch-hunt: a campaign directed against a person or group holding unorthodox or unpopular views.

I have and I feel bad for doing so. What makes me so special and superior over another human being? guilt sucks

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7 Answers

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

No. It sounds as though you’ve learned from this experience. Perhaps spend some time reflecting on why you joined in with this witch hunt. That might help you to avoid doing the same thing again. Did you do it because you felt special and superior, or because you wanted to fit in and not stand out and speak up for what is right? Your motivation for joining in will teach you a lot about yourself and that will mean, if you use that knowledge to avoid it happening again, that this experience was not a total waste.

Perhaps you can make amends by reaching out to the person affected by this behaviour and apologise and help them in some way.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No, because the first person being caught and executed would be myself.

longgone's avatar

I believe most of us have, to some extent. I’ve felt superior for sure.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@dammitjanetfromvegas Don’t sweat it, I think we have all done it. Try to make amends to the person or group and learn from it. We’re humans, we’re not perfect. That’s why we cut each other slack.

janbb's avatar

I’ve never participated in a witch hunt but I will respond to troll bait.

snowberry's avatar

Hubby and I were participants (we were the hunted). It wasn’t any fun. It was pure gossip, which is always lies and truth mixed. A newspaper journalist made his career on destroying our name. The judge threw out the case, saying, “These folks did nothing wrong!”.

The outcome was a business was destroyed. Lots and lots of people were hurt and lost their jobs. We however have moved on with our lives. We hold no ill will and we’ve learned a lot. Our attackers haven’t changed at all. They are still bitter angry people. The lies continue.

blackpurple's avatar

No but I’ve been the subject of one!

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