Meta Question

Kardamom's avatar

Do you ever ask a question, changing the wording slightly, over and over again?

Asked by Kardamom (33584points) August 5th, 2015

In other words, do you ask questions, then receive answers that you don’t care for, then basically ask the same question again and again, hoping to get different (or better, whatever that means) answers?

If so, is it because the “wrong” people answered your Q in the first place? Or is it maybe because you simply can’t deal with the factual answers and you are hoping that somehow, magically, the facts will change and you will get an answer that is more palatable?

Do you not trust anyone to give you a factual answer? Or is it because the factual answers are too unpleasant to face?

How many times are you willing to ask the same basic question (if you are lucky enough not to have the Mods stop you)?

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12 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yes. Many times I look at the questiom and feel the need to click the “edit question” button. But that’s always before anyone come and answer. I change because I want my question to be readable, not because I want anyone to say what I want to hear.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The only reason I would repeat a question would be because I’d forgotten about asking it previously.

ucme's avatar

No, another indicator that people take this site way too seriously.

trailsillustrated's avatar

No I never have,and people that do so make me want to pierce my eyeballs with sharp implements .

Kardamom's avatar

@Mimishu1995 I don’t mean editing a question multiple times before posting it. I mean asking a question and posting it, then later asking pretty much the same question again, with slightly different wording, at a later time.

majorrich's avatar

I do it often to my spouse in order to yank her chain. For example: Honey.. Can we order pizza for dinner tonight? She answers ‘No I’m on a diet’. Then I ask. Well then, how about Pizza? But with vegetables. She answers ‘no I cant have the bread. Well then. About Pizza and…. About this time things start to fly in my direction. My wife is so cute when she is annoyed…

Buttonstc's avatar

No, that would be a waste of time.

jca's avatar

There is one jelly I see who seems to do this. He asked about cell phone use while driving about two days ago, and two months ago he asked something very similar. He often asks “doom and gloom” questions about people being negative, the world being mean, etc.

Kardamom's avatar

@jca There are a few people on Fluther who tend to ask the same similar question over and over again. Interestingly, those members have not responded to this Q. I’m very curious to hear their take as to why they do it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Gee @jca makes me feel all warm and fuzzy that you’re thinking of me,and for you’re information I haven’t seen much that does indicate that the world is a great place as you so point out.
But would love it if you pointed out something wonderful.
Everywhere I look I see people with their noses buried in their phones, barely looking up, I see drivers that think the rules of the road don’t apply to them.
I do appreciate the wonderful things I do have such as Mrs Squeeky, a nice house that we worked our ass off to get and keep.
Sorry for being such a doom and gloom person but people have made me that way.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

@Kardamom, no I don’t do this. I have seen people do it but in my experience, it’s mostly new members who may be trolling. I’m thinking of the same relationship question that is asked in about four different ways presumably because the poster didn’t like the first batch of answers or because they’re a troll.

@SQUEEKY2, I think it’s sad you have such a dismal view on life. I see examples of how wonderful people are every day. I’ve mentioned here recently that I’ve just returned from a trip and one of the joys were the conversations I had with complete strangers. People’s kindness and helpfulness when we, who did not speak the language, tried to get our message across. Their interest in where we’re from and what we think of their cities. Observations of families interacting and how similar we all are. So many examples of how beautiful the world is and how fabulous most people are. Perhaps you could examine the lens through which you view the world. Maybe if you try to look for positives, rather than negatives, you will see things quite differently.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit I’m not saying I never come across a really nice interesting person and when that happens it does brighten my day but those people are very far apart,most people I come across have the me first,me first, at all costs disease or like I said have their nose buried in their damn cell phones and could care less about everything.

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