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Pandora's avatar

What makes you laugh about getting older?

Asked by Pandora (32595points) August 6th, 2015

I was just playing an impromptu game of charades with myself. I was speaking of coordinates with my husband and he and I were laughing our butts off because I couldn’t remember a word that he knew, but he wouldn’t say the word I was looking for.

So this was me: It looks like a watch, and it has a little hand like a watch only it helps you with directions. And then suddenly the word compass came to my mind. Meanwhile we are both laughing and he says; there you go. As I’m laughing, I tell him getting old isn’t too bad, because at any time you can play a game of charades, to liven up a boring conversation.

So for those of you who know about impromptu charades, what have you found amusing about getting older?

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14 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

Not being able to trust a fart. The pee pee dance hits us all. You can try to be dignified having to pee.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I am amazed at how easy I can injure myself and how long it takes to heal.
And if you can’t laugh at that you might as well give up.

ibstubro's avatar

Years ago I heard a comedian say this, and even then I laughed while I agreed with it:
“Getting old is when you bend over to pick something up, then look around while your down there to see if there’s something else you need to get.”
I had literally done it, and still do.

Pandora's avatar

@ibstubro LOL, I’ve done it too. Just the other day I came home from walking the dog and saw a big weed that was in my front garden and then I kept pulling them all up. I came in and was pissed at the dog because she was getting impatient and kept pulling. My husband asked why didn’t I just bring her in and go back out. I told him because I had to squat down under the tree (it has low branches) and figured since I was already down here squatting down I would pull them all up,because I knew if I went in the house, I wasn’t going back to it. My knees have already declared it so.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Honestly, there isn’t a lot that I find funny about aging, but here are two:

* I used to pay good money to have my hair highlighted. Now that there is a bit of grey showing up, it feels liberating to let grow naturally and embrace the look with basically the same effect. The laugh is on the younger me for being so vain and frivolous.

* Sex with my SO. No more menstrual cycles and worries about pregnancy. It’s much more fun without these concerns.

anniereborn's avatar

With my eyesight not as good as it used to be, I often read things as much funnier than they are.

Stinley's avatar

@anniereborn yes! At work I read Textbook project as Tedious project

Pachy's avatar

No, other than how certain I was when I was young that senior citizen-age only happened to other people.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

^ That, and that the aunts and uncles were ancient when they were in their 30s and 40s.

chyna's avatar

I’m saying or doing things that I used to get peeved at my mom for doing. I’ve turned into my mom!

Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One's avatar

The fact that just standing up from a sitting position can cause an injury.

My wife and I were both “injured” yesterday by doing nothing more than walking or standing.

majorrich's avatar

Bending over to tie my shoes requires that I exhale and hold my breath in order to bend over that far. I can’t hold my breath for beans, so I just wear moccasins.

Pandora's avatar

@majorrich LOL
@chyna True funny and sad all at the same time.
@Stinley I can relate. Some years back, I saw a dark object by the side of the road in snow and said, poor Deer. My daughter laughed and said I needed glasses because it wasn’t a Deer. As we drove past it, it turn out to be a black bag full of trash. Years later and whenever we are together and she sees a black trash bag on the curb, she looks at me and laughs and says, Poor Trashbag. Can’t get mad. She has my memory and sarcastic humor.

OpryLeigh's avatar

My great Grandmother who reached 102 years of age used to fart as she walked! My brother and I found this hilarious as kids but as we got older we just accepted it (although it would still generate the odd snigger!!)

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