Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

Those of you that use Facebook, what kinds of things do you post?

Asked by Kardamom (33609points) August 8th, 2015

Are you one of those people, like myself, who post mostly my own (or your own) original thoughts and images?

Or do you tend to re-post other people’s memes, jokes, and positive affirmations?

Or is there something else that you tend to post more often?

When you do post something, do you usually post anything and everything to everybody on your friends list (or, shudder, publicly) or do you tailor your posts to specific audiences?

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18 Answers

trailsillustrated's avatar

My posts are for all my friends. They’re pretty or funny pictures of things that I see or places I go. Selfies haha. I hate memes except for some of the super funny gifs. I share things that I think are very funny or,interesting, I don’t do this very often. I don’t repost or share others posts unless it’s something I find very interesting or funny, which is hardly ever. I hate minions, Maxine, and stuff like that, those ecards that say stuff like I’m so crazy or I’m such a bitch ad nauseum.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Comments on others’ statuses, mostly, if you count them as “things I post” too. I don’t use Facebook often, even less frequently post anything on my wall. When I use Facebook, I tend to observe what others have to say about them.

Having said that, it doesn’t mean that I don’t post anything on my wall. I tend to share my thought of current events in the form of memes, and I always make the memes myself. I sometimes upload photos, but only when I’m ask to.

Everyone in my friendlist can see my posts. Sometimes I restrict my posts to certain people, but mostly I let my friends see it. There’s nothing so personal in my posts anyway.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

A select few photos from trips get posted once or twice a year and an occasional comment or article, but that’s about it.

Otherwise, FB is used to keep up with family members and their activities.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I don’t use FB that much and when I do It is only to my friends I only post post my own material, usually in response to a discussion. I do not post or repost affirmations or jokes. Occasionally I will send some info, usually a link or website, to a specific person if we were discussing it and I know they would be interested.

jca's avatar

Usually photos, and usually to all friends. Photos of things I did, my pets, my kid, events, travels, things that are pretty or interesting.

Sometimes an interesting article I’ll post to a group, if I think it will interest a lot of people in the group. I’m in some groups for people who grew up where I did, and sometimes I’ll post something nostalgic or historically significant about that city.

I’ll post something in the Fluther group if it relates to something discussed here or if I think it might be interesting to a bunch of jellies.

Where I live now, there’s a closed group for the residents and I’ll post photos of events or things in the neighborhood.

If I find an article that might interest just one of my friends, I’ll pm it to her or him.

I’m in groups for specific crafts and I’ll comment on photos or questions others in the groups have.

Rarely will I post memes or music videos.

canidmajor's avatar

I use FB for all sorts of things. I try to be mostly non-political, mostly cheerful; I post my own thoughts, I repost fun memes, I repost interesting stuff.

Curious, why “shudder, publicly” at the posting of things to specific audiences? I have a friend who loves turtles, if I see cute, fun, or informative turtle things I post them to her.
Does the accenting of ”positive affirmations” mean you like or dislike such things?

ragingloli's avatar

worry not, they are not my own.

wildpotato's avatar

Articles I find especially compelling or hilarious. Photos of important or fun events. Sometimes a farm pic. My own content; I don’t tend to repost. My goat will have her babies in a few weeks and I plan to get revenge on all my baby pic-posting friends and relatives (why people think their infant looks any different from all other infants is beyond me) by putting up dozens of photos of my “kids.” #whyisthekidcrying: because I castrated him. Heh.

chyna's avatar

I hardly ever post but when I do, it’s usually a repost of a lost or found animal in my area.

Pachy's avatar

Mostly only articles, movies and photos I like.

jca's avatar

I’ll add to this what annoys me about Facebook (but I understand that it is what it is, and everyone has the right to post what they want): People who post every mundane detail of their lives, for example “took a nap, now doing laundry.” Also people who post photos of every meal or fancy drink on a bar. It’s like, ok, we’ve all had meals of varying degrees of specialness, and we’ve all probably had drinks on a bar. I’m sure there are things I post (in my description above of the kinds of things I post) that annoy people, too.

jca's avatar

What I like best about FB are two things: One – to post and share photos of events with multiple people in them. I’ll tag and share the photos so the others can see them and share them if they want to. It’s great for that. Two – to communicate with my friends, either via PM or by commenting on things they post and vice versa.

rockfan's avatar

I usually post recipes, movie opinions, favorite new songs, and pictures of the artwork I produce.

Blondesjon's avatar

Facebooky things that have made me twitter or caught my pinterest.

JLeslie's avatar

Once in a while I post a link or share something from someone else’s page, but mostly I write my own thing. I write anything from what I did during the day to talking about something in current events. Regarding current events I often write a question about a news item, like I would on Fluther.

When I went to NY a couple of months ago I asked my hometown group advice about where to go if I visited where I lived when I was a little girl.

If my school is doing well in football I might post a Gooooo Green! Once or twice.

Photos of deer in my backyard.

Photos with friends, especially if it had been a long time since we last were together. I ask their permission.

Photos from trips AFTER I return home, never while vacationing. Although, I have had friends post my photo while I’m on vacation with them and that bothers me.

Blast from the past photos with family and friends.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I mostly post news stories or interesting articles I find. I may also post comments relating to something interesting, funny, ridiculous or infuriating that’s happened to me that day. I never share memes and that sort of content.

wildpotato's avatar

@JLeslie Why does it bother you?

JLeslie's avatar

Because I’d rather not let the thieves know I’m out of town.

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