Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Which skills do you think you learned from Fluther?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23810points) August 8th, 2015

I think apart from brushing up English (of course), I learned about critical thinking and how to defend my opinion. I don’t mean how to argue, but how to stick to my opinion and not to be swayed by others when I’m sure I’m right. The skill can be helpful when I need to distinguish the right from the wrong. I also learn how to make a constructive and civil argument.

Do you learn, or brush up, any skills on Fluther?

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20 Answers

longgone's avatar

I learned to accept that…

1. ...friends on the Internet can be just as real as others.

2. is worthwhile to keep arguments as rational as possible.

3. ...going against my instincts to keep things fair is quite difficult, but definitely necessary.

4. ...I can learn a lot by observing the thoughtful people here.

I already knew how to argue, possibly from birth. ~

ucme's avatar


thorninmud's avatar

It’s an ongoing lesson in giving careful consideration to what I say, both in making my points clearly and in anticipating how my words might be construed.

ragingloli's avatar

I was already perfect.

Pachy's avatar

Refraining from wasting energy on cyber one-upsmanship.

tinyfaery's avatar


Kardamom's avatar

Writing. Fluther definitely made me a better writer, and it made me want to write, not just on Fluther, but elsewhere. Now I write for my own enjoyment, and I’ve even made a few bucks with my writing.

When I was younger, I hated writing. Now I love it, and I have Fluther, in part, to credit with my love of writing.

Fluther has also made me a better researcher. Sometimes, when someone asks a question, I try to go the extra mile to get them the best answer I can. In turn, I gain a lot of knowledge that I otherwise wouldn’t have had.

DoNotKnow's avatar

I find that the nature of my responses can be a guide. It’s part of my practice. Sometimes the worst in me appears, and it’s easy easier to see when typed out in front of me. Other times, I see a reasonable voice. Both are learning moments for me.

I’ve also learned that I become aware of my thoughts through typing them. I don’t think about a response. I respond. And that can be enlightening – to me.

Blondesjon's avatar

Macrame and Finnish.

ShanEnri's avatar

Mainly I learned to think about what I ask as well as what I answer. “Look before I leap.”

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Can I really be bad?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Sorry, I forgot you wanted me to behave. I will. :) But you are so much fun.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@longgone I wholeheartedly with what you said, especially 1. I interact with people here just like I do with real people, and there are some jellies I find myself genuinely concerned for like I do with my friends.

And I know how to argue from birth too. It’s just I naturally sound like a bitch ~

@thorninmud I have to think carefully when I post, especially on more serious threads. I have to make sure there’s no hole in my argument that others can find and aim at, and that I don’t rub people the wrong way. I don’t always succeed though :p

@ragingloli I know. Because you aren’t human and you don’t need human skills ~

@Pachy @tinyfaery you taught me something: ignoring is gold :D

@Kardamom Congratulation on such a drastic change! I didn’t know Fluther is that beneficial to you. I improve my writing too, but I have already loved writing before I came here. You go even a longer way than me with your money from writing. You’re making me jealous ~

@Adirondackwannabe You’re lots of fun too. That’s another thing I learn here: age, distance and culture don’t stop two people from being friends :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Laughs, so an old white geezer can be friends with you?

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe sure, if they treat me well :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Hey, I will always treat you well. Never, ever doubt that. :)

geeky_mama's avatar

1. Write in a more succinct and clear manner.

2. Be fearless (share information with veritable strangers in an effort to help them or get help).

3. Be kind. As the saying goes: “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you may know nothing about. Be kind always.”

ucme's avatar


Berserker's avatar

Well I’d like to say this place taught me how to forge epic war hammers and axes, but it didn’t. Still,it’s all cool.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’ve developed quite a knack for hiding from the world and ducking my responsibilities and obligations by hanging out at fluther.

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