General Question

talljasperman's avatar

How can I profit from being tall?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) August 8th, 2015

From jobs to dating. What can I use being 6’5” 197 cm to my advantage? I’m 38 years old, and I have a high school diploma. I don’t have a drivers license, but I do have a learners permit.

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15 Answers

Darth_Algar's avatar

Become a pro wrestler?

elbanditoroso's avatar

Male model. Sometimes the Big&Tall menswear stores need big guys to showcase the large size clothing they sell.

I’m 6’4”, and whatever I made of my life, it wasn’t dependent on my height. I doubt that made a particle of difference. My brain did.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

A ref for a pro Basket ball team?

Darth_Algar's avatar


You can only ref for pro basketball if you’re willing to fix games.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Hey if it pays well he might just do that.

zenvelo's avatar

Be a shopper’s helper getting stuff off the top shelf.

majorrich's avatar

The Marines seem to like bit tall people. More menacing and intimidating.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Dude, why don’t you apply yourself to something and quit looking for a get rich quick angle. You flail around with this and never get anywhere. Twenty years from now you’ll still be stuck in this same rut if you don’t learn to work and apply yourself.

Judi's avatar

Become a rain gutter installer.

2davidc8's avatar

Window washer or tree trimmer.

jca's avatar

@talljasperman: The way you’ve described yourself, you don’t want to leave the house or even get up much for that matter, so I am not envisioning you doing any sort of physical job.

wsxwh111's avatar

I think part of me agree with Adirondackwannabe.
We often say talent is very important and people sigh about others having better talents all the time, but the fact is, most people don’t try hard enough to make it to the level where talents matter.
So as I said, as a beginner, you already got permittment and positivity, that’s good, so what if you use that to learn something, make yourself a better human being that is able to contribute more? From my heart, I’d like to think that’s way faster to get profit than trying to take advantage of the height. Cause honestly speaking, even there are some jobs that height is a positive factor, I’m pretty sure effort, hard-working and commitment matter way more than that.

cazzie's avatar

Security at a mall or night club? But that has more to do with people skills and reading people, which I think you have problems with, from past conversations.

ayodele_komolafe's avatar

If u don’t play Basket Ball, then develop interest in basket ball, learn it and go pro.
Ayodele Komolafe.

josie's avatar

I’m 6’5” too.
People have an expectation of competence from tall people, which can be tapped into, assuming you carry yourself with confidence, and you can reasonably meet the expectation.
My dad taught me that, so here is my life timeline

Played high school sports.
Volunteered for the military. Trained and deployed in spec ops. Survived.
Became a Krav Maga instructor, plus contracted for security work for US personnel.
Put myself through college and grad school.
All of these things, or any one of them, gave me confidence. I can’t read minds, but I get the impression that people sense the confidence, so they trust and hire me.
Size and confidence are a great asset.
Size alone is just a growth phenomenon.

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