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SQUEEKY2's avatar

What is the strangest auto accident, you witnessed or heard of?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23591points) August 9th, 2015

A bunch of years ago a coworker hit an airplane with his semi, that’s right an airplane, it was quite late at night and there was some power lines above the highway the pilot didn’t see them and crashed right in front of my coworker.
What is you’re story?

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7 Answers

jca's avatar

About 20 years ago, there was a car parked in front of my house that belonged to a family friend who lived about a block away. About 20 feet behind his car (with no cars in between) was parked another car. A car came along and hit the first car and pushed it under the second car (family friend’s car) and so the two cars were stacked on top of each other. We later found out that the car that hit the first car was driven by a woman who had kidney dialysis, and so they said she was very tired and probably should not have been driving. Not sure if she needed an ambulance. I took photos but that was in the “film days” so the photo is not digital and it’s in a box in a closet somewhere.

kritiper's avatar

18-wheelers hanging off of bridges always catch my attention.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I remember driving on I-285 – the beltway around Atlanta, around 20 years ago – taking my daughter to a soccer game she was playing in.

We’re going around 65 mph, not much traffic – it was a Saturday morning around 9:00am. I was in the right lane because I was planning to get off at the next exit, about 2 miles ahead.

In the mirror, I could see a small white compact – maybe a Toyota, maybe a Subaru, coming up behind us going at a high rate of speed – easily 10–15 mph faster than I was going. No problem, I thought – the highway was mostly clear and he could easily pass me. I was about to get off the highway in a minute anyway.

He drives past me on the left – that’s fine – and about a second later pulls back into the lane in front of me, still at a high speed. No danger, no big deal.

Except that he continues moving to the right, off the pavement, onto the shoulder, up the hill, and splat into a bridge abutment.

He must have lost control—these were before the days of cell phones – or he was lighting a cigarette and took his eyes off the road – don’t know. But it was weird.

Did I stop? No – I was going 65 mph and nearing my exit and I was past accident before I realized what he did.

srmorgan's avatar

In 2009 I was driving westbound on I-40 coming out of Wilmington. Wilmington is on the coast and on Saturday mornings there is a ton of traffic heading eastbound towards the beach towns

Less than 100 yards in front of me a small car literally jumped over the median and traveled across two lanes on my side of the highway and onto the shoulder. Someone was thrown out the of the car through the back window behind the driver.
I stopped about 100 feet past the accident, called 911, and went over to where the guy was laying on the grass. Somehow an Emergency Room physician stopped on the other side of the highway and came over as did a Pediatric nurse and they quickly determined that this guy was miraculously OK.

Then the driver came over and the guy who was thrown out of the car took at swing at him. The driver is screaming that he had a blowout and why didn’t you have a seatbelt on?

State trooper shows up and tells us to leave and we did.


majorrich's avatar

There is an infamous railroad crossing near where I live. It is elevated and is a natural ‘ramp’ for those seeking to get some air time in their cars or bikes. On one side of the tracks was a fair sized tree with a license plate lodged in the trunk about 15 feet up. Local legend is that someone hit the tracks way way too fast and met a gruesome end there in that tree. Of course that only encouraged we kids to ruin our suspensions on that jump. The tree is gone now, but I remember some epic ‘Dukes of Hazard’ moments there. And a coupe of pretty good motorcycle jumps too. The township plans to re-do the crossing to discourage this kind of play. I hope they never get round to it.

majorrich's avatar

I was a first responder to this accident a few years ago. The driver never hit the brakes. He was not consious when I got to him, and seeing no danger, I stabilized his neck in the truck until the EMS guys got there. Were it not for the tree, I would have gotten creamed. I think I may have peed a little.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I saw a car come over the guiderail in the median of a four lane highway and crash into the rockwall on my side of the highway and bounce across all of the lanes, and no one hit them. There was also a guy driving on a rural road, in a storm and lightning got a tree and dropped it right into his windshield as he was driving by. Talk about shitty timing.

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